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Freerider (2/8)

  1. I apologize for my delinquent Twitter feed of late. Lots of brilliant, incisive 140-character thoughts coming soon.

  2. Welcome to JCMoisan! Yes, I have so few Twitter followers I can welcome them individually!

  3. So hey, my computer exploded. Things more or less back to normal, except Photoshop won't acknowledge the pressure sensor of my tablet.

  4. DC's new editorial strategy: not even pretending that they know what they're doing anymore.

  5. Am busy drawing a crevice filled with sand. It's strangely zen.

  6. I don't really understand the point of drinking games, except as a rhetorical device.

  7. I failed to update Fourth World Fridays last week. And today's Freak U. is running late. I kind of suck.

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