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Everything posted by Nittanian

  1. From what I can find using the search site, the Andals begin to be referred to as invaders in TWOIAF, not the novels, although the world book does use the term often for them. I haven't found George using the phrase "Andal invasion(s)"; which characters refer to it as such? When possible we should use George's terminology. The corresponding chapter in TWOIAF is titled "The Arrival of the Andals", for example, and characters in the novels refer to the coming of the Andals.
  2. Might it be better to move "Andal invasion" (phrasing which I haven't found in the books) to "coming of the Andals", "crossing of the Andals", or "arrival of the Andals"?
  3. Good catch. The Rambtons are pious like Guncer Sunglass, but ACOK and ASOS don't state that Hubard is Guncer's vassal. The ACOK appendix includes Hubard in Stannis's bannermen and sword swords. @Ran's heraldry at The Citadel has the Rambtons in the King's Landing grouping; maybe the Rambtons are from the mainland but Hubard's family serves Stannis?
  4. When possible, categories should display the topic's main article first, done by sorting that article with a space key (for example, [[House Stark| ]]). This is in accordance with Wikipedia's WP:SORTKEY: However, some recent edits have been removing that space from categorization, so the spaces should be restored. Also, the {{references}} templates can display content in multiple columns. Recent edits have been defaulting it to a single column by use of {{references}} instead of {{references|2}}, however. While this is not a big deal for short articles with only a few sources, larger articles can appear unwieldy with a single column.
  5. That sounds like a Pyrrhic victory to me.
  6. Do you think the infobox should display it or the Stark sigil?
  7. The infobox for Jon Snow includes this bastard sigil for him. Has GRRM confirmed this? If not, the infobox should instead display the House Stark sigil, IMO. edit: Would Valyrian Steel count?
  8. "King of the Three Sisters" is an article about the monarchs from the islands, discussing the pirate kings of antiquity and the more recent Marla Sunderland. From what I can tell, GRRM has not used this as a proper title, however. We also don't know if the pirate kings ruled all of the Three Sisters, or if each island had its own king (like the ironborn rock and salt kings of old). Might it be better to move the article to "Sistermen monarchs"?
  9. @Ran, is it okay if I remove "Battle of the Redwyne Straits"? It is about a battle which has not yet occurred in the books, and its sourcing is from the transcription of the Balticon reading (which George objected to the recording of).
  10. Some of the infoboxes for Battle articles list Houses which possibly participated in a battle, along with Houses whose participation can be sourced. For instance, the "Battle of the Blackwater" mentions Houses Myatt (since the Myatts help escort Tywin's corpse back to the Rock in AFFC), Hayford (since they are in the crownlands), Leygood (since they are with Randyll Tarly in AFFC), and Penrose (since they are with Renly at Bitterbridge in ACOK). Regarding Bitterbridge, however, GRRM suggests here that while most of the men at Bitterbridge joined the Tyrell/Lannister army, some went home. House Peake is included among the Reach's men during the battle, but IIRC the Peakes haven't done anything so far in ASOIAF. There is fighting throughout central Westeros (almost as far north as near the Twins in early ACOK), so it's plausible some houses eventually rejoin Tywin or Randyll after regional campaigns or as reinforcements. To be on the safe side, I think it would be better to avoid assumptions and only list info which can be sourced.
  11. Do we have a source for Oberyn being a knight?
  12. Full names would seem fine to me. Maybe "Fighting between Addam Marbrand's men and Walder Frey's"?
  13. Regarding Jaime, how about "scheme to free Jaime Lannister"?
  14. A few options for Ned: "capture of Eddard Stark" "treason of Eddard Stark" "fall of Eddard Stark" "imprisonment of Eddard Stark" "Fall" might be best, since it is more neutral than the pro-Lannister "treason".
  15. These are my thoughts as well. I created an article for the ambush at the Wendwater.
  16. Hmm, good observation; I had forgotten about Robeson. To avoid unnecessary disambiguation, I think it would be better to have Pater, Robeson, High Lickspittle, High Sparrow etc. There aren't other characters named Pater, IIRC, so we wouldn't need "Pater (High Septon)" or "High Septon (Pater)".
  17. What exactly is meant by "ironborn"? It seems an alternative to "ironmen", the people of the Iron Islands, and the Greyjoys use them interchangeably in ASOIAF. Captured individuals can fit into the Thralls or Slaves and freedmen categories, and if they row for the Iron Fleet they can fit into the Sailors category. It seems redundant to have both "Characters from the Iron Islands" and "Ironborn" when there are only a few articles which might differ. Also, is this the excerpt you mean? I agree, with WP:TITLE in mind, "High Septon (Pater)" seems ideal to me. GRRM identifies him as Pater, and its inclusion easily differentiates his article from the other High Septons. A Wiki of Ice and Fire isn't in-universe, so we don't use the convoluted naming (One has to say, 'the fat one,' or 'the one before the fat one,' or 'the old one who died in his sleep.') if we don't have to. I would hold off for now until we receive clarification from GRRM or Ran. Janos Slynt, for instance, has a surname before being ennobled, but House Slynt is founded after Joffrey becomes king. Creighton Longbough has a surname and arms, but he is just a hedge knight. I would just use "chose", since that is what the source material uses and we shouldn't extrapolate.
  18. Yep, seems to duplicate Category:Characters from the Iron Islands.
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