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Everything posted by Eternally_Theirs

  1. Well, that's kinda difficult to answer, as the group is composed of people from different regions.
  2. (Fun fact, I used 'Playing with the Big Boys' as their song in the MV I am making.)
  3. Also, remember my old thread, Marrying for love in Westeros? Well, I am reviving it for this, by saying that the laws against marrying for love bit him in his backside like a shark with sharp teeth.
  4. Well, honestly, I don't get why he is so hated. It seems that people's intelligence and willingness to look into character in-depth took a nosedive lately, of which Criston is the best example. People before would have called him a complex character while theorizing what made him the way he is now. People now merely call him 'a dickhead' for turning against Rhaenyra with no thoughts regarding how or why. It's sad, but true.
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