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Everything posted by Quift

  1. @jandeman testa att stänga av tv...

  2. My @Quora answer to What would the Founding Fathers think and do to Donald Trump if they time traveled to modern Am… https://t.co/oucqS4i9Cm

  3. My @Quora answer to Who would have been the best for the Iron Throne in Game of Thrones? https://t.co/axV0NFDQHk

  4. My @Quora answer to Why have the Americans been at war in Afghanistan and Iraq? https://t.co/QdjvHOms7S

  5. My @Quora answer to Why were there so few European conquerors during the Middle Ages? http://t.co/zR0BlnKf6D

  6. Tips inför den förväntade anstormningen. Snart är det julrea igen! - Panagora Blogg - http://t.co/UVUUbYOY via @Panagora #ecommerce #ehandel

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