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White Harbors Wrath

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Everything posted by White Harbors Wrath

  1. Get your matches ready my friend. http://tvline.com/2014/03/12/game-of-thrones-ending-season-7-final/
  2. Also, you do realize HBO has said, in print this will go 7 seasons? That doesn't mean they couldn't add an extra 8th season....but they're not stretching this out until 2019. I guarantee that.
  3. I'm not really sure what you're even talking about at this point. Everything I referenced (as well as the couple posters adjacent) was based on publishers statements and things the show producers have said. that doesn't mean they're fact, but at least they're coming from "inside" sources. Everything you have said is based on some sort of wild speculation and assumptions of what you think might happen. HBO is not going to cancel anything, no one is suggesting that. HBO is going to finish the story before GRRM... I am most definitely NOT the one saying GRRM will be hated, I was quoting you. "GRRM would be very hated if the show starts their seasons before his work is released."
  4. I don't doubt that a ton of stuff was written years ago, but whether it was or wasn't really doesn't matter. If GRRM has every Jon chapter until the end completed, and for arguments sake, has writers block with Theon...yet knows his overall character arc...and has conveyed to D&D both characters overall arcs for show purposes...what does it matter if Jon is complete? Both characters are mapped out enough for the show, and only Jon/Arya etc being complete doesn't get a book out any faster. Again, that publishers statement that disappeared from the net stated several years, no sooner than 2015...that doesn't really sound like it'll be out early spring before season 5. Tweet screenshot from January of THIS year: http://whiteharbour.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/capture.png Also another Tweet suggesting late '15: https://twitter.com/Werthead/status/426885973427761152 Forum thread discussing it: http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/102943-winds-of-winter-is-almost-certainly-years-away/
  5. I know this really isn't the place for this, but...no offense, you seem in complete denial of what's going on...so get ready for GRRM to be "hated". HBO will not delay or have a break between seasons. I guarantee it. I will bet you a hardcover copy of A Dream of Spring...there is a momentum behind the show, they're not going to derail that for GRRM to catch up. He's had 5 years to catch up (4 seasons and pre-production, so probably closer to 6 or 7 years since Dance was largely already written) and we don't even have a release date yet. D&D know GRRM catching up is a nonsensical notion at this point and they along with HBO are not going to entertain the thought. That's why they met with him...so they can figure out how to finish this up. GRRM is in total denial and wasting time with way too many peripheral projects. At the very least Bran & Co, Brienne & Co and Sansa/Littlefinger will have plot next season that has not been written yet. Possibly Dany as well. The show will pass the books by, believing otherwise at this point is delusional. GRRM's publishers let slip and then retracted that WoW was not going to be released until 2015...so if we're VERY lucky, it will be out before season 6 airs in 2016. Sure, there's a possibility that an 8th season can be added if there's just too much going on to encompass in two seasons in the last two books. But season 6 will be material from Winds of Winter for the majority of the characters. 2017 would then be season 7 and 2018 a highly unlikely season 8. There is no way on earth GRRM will have a DoS out before then.
  6. I'm betting they verbally explain her doings. If they meet the Brotherhood it's going to be after Beric is gone....Brienne will probably meet up with Anguy or Thoros and ask to be taken to to leader/Beric only to have them explain they're following LS and she's been hanging Freys, etc...or show they Frey's being hung then get the big reveal.
  7. I hope not...the guy they got for Bronze Yohn looks like Mace Tyrell w/o the handlebar mustache, was hoping for someone a bit more imposing/nordic...hope they don't make the Vale lords some bumbling fools.
  8. I bet they do in 4.10, it'll futher serve to show Tyrions absolute flip out.
  9. Yeah, it's a classic HBO trailer Red Herring. Mastered on the Sopranos and skillfully used again and again everywhere since.
  10. We're seriously dissecting one line from the Mountain? Would you be happier with Michael Caine playing the role?
  11. That actually hadn't occurred to me yet...IF UnCat appears...speculation of every single killed cast member returning to life will be unbearable through the duration of the series.
  12. Except it was clearly the Hound mocking Syrios skills...not insisting his mystic powers bested Trant and were all in the dark.
  13. Pretty sure he wasn't talking about the wolves, he was trying to steer the NW clear of Brans cabin so he could do his thing.
  14. ...that's why Locke is at the wall. Bolton knows because Reek told Ramsay, then telling Roose. Roose then told Locke to go find them offering a holdfast as reward.
  15. Who's he playing? I heard he was cast for a role.
  16. Pretty sure Jon doesn't even remember he has a direwolf at this point.
  17. Yeah three stick in the muds will pout and run off. This was a huge episode for keeping people coming back.
  18. I'm kind of lost why people are still carrying on about Strong Belwas. Did we think there was a secret casting?
  19. Going to guess that Gilly ends up on the throne. The amount of time wasted on her in the books has now bled into the show.
  20. ...and with all the stuff going on...no one on earth would be looking for peoples with missing gemstones on their necklaces, hairnets, rings or brooches. It's very likely that it would go completely unnoticed. We know it should be missing...who at the wedding is going to go "stop...nobody move!...someone here must have slipped a poison gemstone into the kings wine! check everyone's necklaces!" They could safely assume Tyrion slipped him something but jumping to the conclusion that it was a poison gemstone?
  21. Now shadows are judges of size? How high up was the dragon flying, can we tell that too?
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