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Posts posted by RadSam

  1. 16 hours ago, Rockroi said:

    Oh, I'm ... I'm sorry ... I didn't know that this thread was for "Believers" only; D&D praise-be-their-names... Be Silent All Heretics Who Dare Preach Alternative Views!  BE GONE FROM THIS TEMPLE!!!! 

    First off, keep up the sarcasm. It really helps people take you seriously in a discussion/debate/argument.

    16 hours ago, Rockroi said:

    But that has never been my criticism or most others.  We do not demand 100% accuracy.  We just want stuff that makes sense and is true to the narrative.  I sued to call GoT an "alternate reality" from ASoIaF; but that is no longer true.  Now its a bizzaro world where characters do things that don't make sense; deaths are no longer tethered to the story and dumb people do dumb things.  

    And if I am an elitist because I ... read books (*sigh... I can't believe literacy is so caste-defining) then, yeah, sorry I have no problem with being an elitist in this regard.

    If that's not the problem, then why complain about silly little things that don't really make a different to the narrative? It may not be you in particular doing this (to be completely honest, I didn't read your post. I started, but it looked like it was going to be another long, whinging post and I just couldn't be bothered.), but seeing people rant and whinge and carry on about this character going here, that character saying this instead of that, that character's hair is a few shades lighter than they'd like, it gets tedious reading that. All I was saying was posts like that should be in the 'rant and rave' or 'criticize without repercussion' threads. That's what they're there for.

  2. 15 hours ago, TepidHands said:

    I guess I wasn't clear... My reply to the poster was meant to address his apparent anger about criticism of the show and telling critics: If you don't like it, stop watching. People should be able to watch something and point out its flaws as well as its successes. There are threads for both praise and criticism, but this is an episode discussion forum, so we're going to get both here. Telling the critics to quit watching or quit talking about it is trying to silence one side of the discussion.

    The posts I'm talking about aren't just pointing out flaws and successes. I'm talking about the elitist book fans who expect it to be conveyed book to screen with 100% accuracy. It's not going to happen. And when it doesn't, they not only bash it, but do it in a way that makes them sound like petty children throwing a tantrum. I was trying to say that if those particular posts can be moved to a different thread, I'd prefer it, but that doesn't mean I expect that to happen. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, ummester said:

    Nothing wrong with criticism - I'm all for it, including criticism of criticisms.

    Why does the forum have to be biased towards either the books or the show? For me there are good and bad aspects in each - the trouble is there aren't any threads that constructively criticize and compare both mediums, like:

    Show Cersie is a deeper character than book Cersie

    Book Tyrion has far more character depth than show Tyrion

    and so on

    Further, there never seem to be many threads intelligently discussing why these differences occur, like:

    Show Tyrion is probably more shallow than book Tyrion because the actor didn't want to be portrayed riding a pig for laughs and rejecting the advances of a dwarf woman.

    Instead, it seems to be either team GRRM or team D&D, when many things are probably beyond either of their control. Which is also extremely ironic, because one of the key messages in the books and show seems to be that picking sides is bad.

    That's a good idea actually. I like it. Perhaps you could make those threads for the upcoming episodes as they're released?

  4. 9 hours ago, TepidHands said:

    I would suggest that if you can't stomach criticism of the show, stay out of the forums. This is the spoiler episode thread, and there will be good and bad points pointed out.


    I can stomach the criticism, but what they're saying isn't criticism. It's nitpicking and whinging. It's elitist book fans who hate the show, but continue to watch and complain. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, Attitude said:

    Good point. You're allowed to create one if you want to, I think it's a good idea! 

    I've seen the Rant and Rave thread for other episodes, but I don't think there's one for this episode. I was actually getting two different things mixed up. A Rant and Rave thread, and a Criticize without Repercussion thread. I think if there was a combination of the two, it would solve a lot of problems!

  6. Isn't there a 'Rant and Rave' thread? Or something similar? Some of these posts are longer than I am tall (I'm not very tall, but that's not the point.). Maybe pop on over there with those long, ranty posts.

    And also, enough with the constant whinging and complaining. If the show is that horrible that you have to complain about every little aspect of it, do us all a favour and just stop watching it.

  7. 2 hours ago, Ser Morbid said:

    What is not in Line is Roose being such a retard to get stabbed by such a shitwit that Ramsey is. I highly doubt that this will happen in books.

    Yes, but this isn't the books we're talking about, it's the show. It worked for the show IMO.

    21 hours ago, marsyao said:

     Many of the 'men of the nights watch' BEFORE THEY JOIN THE WATCH were thiefs, rapers, etc if you do not know the difference, I do not waste my time, I really do now want to waste my time to argue with you


    A hint, NW is very much respected by people in Westero from high Lords to smallfolks,

    I'm starting to think that you are either a troll or you aren't watching/reading the same series as everyone else here.

  8. 27 minutes ago, Tinker Tanner said:

    I liked the bit at Pyke when that strong gust of wind violently swung the bridge making Balon grab for the rail, but Euron didn't even flinch. Got good sea legs on him.

    And then Balon letting go so he didn't look weak and cowardly compared/in front of Euron.

  9. 4 hours ago, Visenya the Dragon said:

    That's ok there is always a first for every theory.  I think you should check out those  Pics of Cersei and Jaime talking. Then you can come back with a better reply. 

    Jamie and Cersei had sex like 3/4 months ago maybe. Anything is possible in Game of Thrones. 


    It's not about having a 'better reply'. She just had a baby. She's not pregnant in the show. If she was pregnant in the show to the point of it being noticeable, even by just one person, they would have mentioned something about it, don't you think?

  10. 8 minutes ago, AdamJ said:

    I`m more of a book person, than a show lover, but they had it almost spot on.

    Tyrions`s eunuch jokes are getting boring and some of the dialogues were lame. Also didn`t like the changes like, Hodor`s name.I mean it was not necessary at all.


    But it was still an awesome episode. I`m happy :)

    Changing the name is understandable. It's the same as changing Robert to Robin, Asha to Yara. If there are too many characters with the same/similar names, viewers will get confused. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, Attitude said:

    I actually knew this much and I know the theory about the 'legitimacy letter'. 

    I just didn't expect them to play some sort of 'spy.' I've also seen some people expected them to turn on the Boltons during the wildlings/boltons fight. However, that doesn't make sense IMO. I mean, if you really want to screw the Boltons, just kill Ramsay right now.

    However, I don't buy the Manderly story. The Karstarks joining the Boltons seems possible, but I don't understand the Manderly's. But maybe that's because of the books.

    But wasn't the GNC theory about Rickard Stark? 

    Isn't playing 'spy' kind of what the Manderly's are doing? And I don't really see it as playing 'spy'. I see it more as getting in close with the enemy so it's easier to take them out.

    I'd hate if they swapped sides halfway through the battle. I'd rather see some subtle, little hints about someone being on the inside then bam! Ramsay is dead.

    I don't remember the GNC being about Rickard. It's been a long time since I've read it all the way through though.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Attitude said:

    And how would that play out? I'm not familiar with the details of the GNC

    The Northern lords working together (in secret) to overthrow the Boltons (and the Freys I believe) and have a Stark ruling the North again.

    There is a lot more to do with Robb's will legitimizing Jon, but it has never been mentioned or hinted at in the show, so I won't get into that.

  13. 8 minutes ago, of man and wolf said:

    I dont understand why the Umbers would fight for the Boltons. GreatJon was Robb's most loyal bannerman.


    Unless they are simply because the GreatJon is a captive at the Twins.

    Maybe part of the GNC? The same way the Manderlys were shown to be supporting the Boltons.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Mr Smith said:

    What was the glamour Jon talk? I haven't heard of this.

    People were suggesting that Jon wouldn't come back, but someone (Edd a few said) would be glamoured as Jon.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Visenya the Dragon said:

     I was talking about people in general who question everything about the show like we all do.  Not just you.

    They do focus the camera in on stuff when they are trying to give hints. Just saying. 

    Obviously not just me, but you're the only person I've seen that's mentioned it.

    Just saying.

  16. 5 minutes ago, Visenya the Dragon said:

     I was talking about people in general who question everything about the show like we all do.  Not just you.

    They do focus the camera in on stuff when they are trying to give hints. Just saying. 

    Obviously not just me, but you're the only person I've seen that's mentioned it.

    Just saying.

  17. The CotF talking about Bran not being there forever. Will he leave soon? Or does she mean in the same way BR has been there for 100 or so years and is now going/dying/whatever is happening that he won't be there forever?

    I'm thinking the Karstarks will soon realise their mistake and turn back to the Starks. 

    I'm glad the talk of glamour Jon can end. That was making me uneasy.

    I'm happy to see Theon going home. It'll be nice seeing him reunited with Yara (unless she's gone by then). Not sure how his interactions with Euron will go, but I can't wait.


  18. Just now, King Onion Knight said:

    Like when theres a bad episode, I will shit on it. I know the show has issues, but this was a good episode in my eyes. No point in crying over spilled milk some of the elitist fans are annoying af. 

    I'm with you there. 

  19. I was fine with how Roose went out (it's completely in line with something Ramsay would do), with how quickly Jon came back (they have too much to cover for his story to have dragged it out), the NW refusing to fight (most of them were already torn and unhappy with what Thorne did, it wouldn't have taken much, just Edd's little push and, you know, being unnumbered and a giant to sway them to drop their weapons). 

  20. 2 minutes ago, marsyao said:

    Ah, I forget you are talking about the show NW, my fault, milady

    What are you talking about? Book and show NW are all criminals. And anyway, comparing the show to the books, especially now, is ridiculous. 

    For someone who complains about the show as much as you have been, I don't know why you even bother watching it.

  21. I loved this episode! It was one of my favourites so far. There were so many things in there for book readers (Lyanna, Hodor back story [which hopefully we get more of], Euron killing Balon). I was on the edge of my seat for most of it. KL and Arya's stuff bored me a little, as did Tyrions dick jokes, but I loved everything else. 

  22. 4 minutes ago, Visenya the Dragon said:

    I did not know that. Oops. She is still beautiful and evil. 

    I would think they would avoid showing her waist to not confuse us viewer's 

    I wasn't confused at all. I didn't notice anything. They're not going to 'avoid showing her waist' because a few people will be confused. Very few people would even notice it.

  23. Thank you talvikorpii! I love reading people's analyses of the show, and yours is one of the most in depth I've seen so far. I agree with most everything you've said and you pointed out a few things I didn't know/didn't think about.

    Thank you again! :D

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