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Ser Dalton Vaas

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Posts posted by Ser Dalton Vaas

  1. Terrible episode, hideous, an culmination of this (and previous) season failings all boiling up into a ridiculous final episode which has all the hallmarks of the poor writing that has led up to this. Hence rated 1. My main issues:

    • R + L = J has been handled in an atrocious way. Jon has diminished as a character, his arch was of no use unless you count it as a catalyst in Dany. going Anakin Skylwalker. Then to rub it in, he gets sent to the wall after everything he's done, all the sacrifice, the harsh life, you name it.
    • Dany's death - didn't feel anything. Drogon then burning the throne and taking her away instead of going mental? (would have been a better death for Jon and more impactful)
    • Bran? - What was the warging about? significance on the NK and their interactions? 3ER. Why did he seem so smug?
    • Bronn is the ruler of Highgarden, The Reach and Master of coin? Yeah ok, next we'll see D&D bringing back Jar Jar Binks and elevating him a newly formed Jedi council.
    • Westeros now consists of a few lords? where are all the other great lords? the bannermen? do they expect us to believe the fate of the continent is in the hands of the few surviving lords?
    • Tyrion is hand for the third time? Why must D&D continue to paint him as a saint, the scene where he finds Jamie and Cersei almost made me laugh if I didn't feel sorry for Jamie's butchered character (pun intended)
    • What of the Dothraki? yes the unsullied decide to go to Nath ( oh and why didn't they execute Jon when they found him after killing their beloved queen) The Dothraki are given no explanation as to what happens to them. 

    Awful finale, terrible season, glad it's over



  2. 12 hours ago, Pinn said:

    Is anyone else tired of Euron showing up undetected and wiping everyone out? 

    Absolutely, I have a theory for this though, D&D have clearly lost interest in completing this show with any sense of dignity and a complete lack of respect for the source material, the fans and even themselves. They are interested and completely focused on (butchering) their new Star Wars project (it will have potential to make The Last Jedi seem ok by comparison) This is where the confusion is lying, hear me out, I think they are mixing up fictional universes. They think they making Star Trek when in fact they are going to be making Star Wars. This has bled into Game of Thrones Season 8 (along with whatever other Sci-Fi genre devices they need to further their weak plot and idiotic writing) The only way to explain this is;

    Euron has made first contact with the Klingons and acquired cloaking devices back in Season 6. This is the only way Dany and her Dragons could not have seen Euron's fleet, in addition, they've been gifted with advanced guided targeting systems so that ships on moving water can hit dragons flying at high velocity (targeting systems must have malfunctioned slightly when they tried to hit Drogon), in addition to all this technology, they added in automatically reloading, rapid fire Scorpions. This wasn't enough though, they've also crossed dimensions with other Sci-fi universes and introduced high velocity rail gun technology to power the the scorpions, this is the only way they can completely obliterate timber beamed war galleys instead of simply being lodged into the hull as logic dictates? Finally to answer your question, Euron was gifted a satellite/tracking system, he has eyes on the whole of Westeros (the world actually) and can track ship, dragon and people movements, this is the most basic of the technology he's been gifted but he's used it to great effect. He's now playing in 'God Mode' 

    Honestly, I can just about (begrudgingly) accept in Season 7 that the Ravens and Dragons were fitted with high bypass Turbo fan engines to get around to quickly but Euron's 'God Mode' is something out of a bad Sci-Fi novel. D&D need therapy and a few years to reflect on what they've done. They should also read a few books on a guide medieval customs, weaponry and technology. Arrogant beyond comprehension. They deserve all of the hate and ridicule they're getting.


  3. I'll give this one an 8/10. Probably the best episode since the first and second in my opinion. 

    What I can't get over are the inconsistencies in the writing of characters, so DanDy is setup to be a egotistical megalomaniac in mid season episodes and suddenly becomes a heart conscious people's champion in the end not wanting the Iron Born to rape and pillage in spite of the fact that she wants to take her Dothraki horde who live by such a culture. Her scene's were made up for by the fact she's finally decided to get her arse over to Westeros. That in itself is exciting.

    Second thing still grating on me is the fact Jamie still has not outright realised how much of a power mad lunatic his beast of a sister is. I have been waiting for this for every episode since the first but I will have to accept that in his final shot he gave her a questioning look of mistrust. That will have to do for now.

    I'd like to add that I was quite annoyed at the lack of any white walker action near the wall. 

    Now onto the positives;

    The Directing felt cinematic at times. The King in the North, Sandra deciding to support her brother (or is she?), Seeing Theon, Arya, R+L=J, Sam's entrance into the great library, Lyanna Mormont, Jamie's scene with Walder and finally the set up for the end game.




  4. 4 / 10

    Only good part of this was the Hound/Brotherhood, the scene in Kings Landing with Tommen and some of Jamie/Brienne.

    What is so poor about this was the death defying escape Arya went through. the writing was shockingly poor, if they're going to build up to her escaping at least make it believable not 'oh i've been stabbed 5 times then thrown down a flight of stairs but I can still kill a trained assassin and then casually pull a blade on the head of their order and go home' 

    I've said it before and i'll say it again, Jamie's scene where he declares his undying love for Cersei are cringe inducing, yes in the show he doesn't know she's an adulterous, lying sociopath but I can stand it none the less, where is the redemption arc? at this point i'm expecting a Michael Bay inspired moment where Cersei is going to burn down Kings Landing and Jamie rides up at the end, stabs her, then cradles her whilst she's dying and finally declares his love for her in front of half the court.

    Tyrion's scenes in Mereen are pitiful to the extent that i'm beginning to really dislike his character, this is amplified by the fact I already hate Dany's whole plot line. In spite of this her return was seriously lacklustre, instead of sweeping down on Drogon and burning a few ships she merely steps into her palace (this from a show where the writers seem to feed on flamboyance) 

    Finally, the scene where we all expected the mountain to go completely mental was a huge let down, why show the entire scene in the trailer and leave nothing else? poor editing and poor storytelling.

  5. 35 minutes ago, dbunting said:

    Jaime still has a shot at redemption. He is still heading to the RL just as in the books and maybe, just maybe Lancel talks to him before he leaves.

    Honestly, I've been waiting for this all season and I just don't see it happening,

    I think it's fair to say D&D see Jamie as an antagonist overall, sure they begun his character's redemption during season 3 and again during season 5 with Myrcella (albeit this one was strange and largely pointless as a plot device) 

    I can see him returning from the Riverlands only to then be maimed and killed by one of Daenarys' Dragons. Of all the characters in the show I think his is being twisted and wasted, as you said there is a chance at redemption but I can only see it ended up ultimately as deflating. 

  6. 5


    The Good

    • Randyll Tarly (almost looks the same as I imagined him in the books!)
    • Benjen Stark
    • Walder Frey 

    The Bad

    • Jamie returning to his old season 1 character, taking interest in his 'son' and the show butchering his chance at redemption.

    The Ugly

    • Dany's god awful speech, she is a megalomaniac (how D&D think her character is appealing is beyond me) 



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