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Tyrion Hand of the King

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Everything posted by Tyrion Hand of the King

  1. Yes I am really hoping for some hints at that theory, as well as the Euron hiring a FM to kill Balon theory.
  2. Yeah not only did that convince me he was in the show, but also that he will end up sitting the IT for a time in the series.
  3. Ah okay. For some reason I didn't remember the killing of livestock beforehand.
  4. So are they simply excluding the part about the goat herder"s child and replacing it with goats? Or was that just a prelude to the child later being killed?
  5. Yes in close combat. The point is if Oberyn were only concerned with killing Gregor and not drawing a confession he could've finished him off without ever needing to get as close as he eventually did.
  6. Yea this is true. However, it's nice to know how much Gregor suffered before he died.
  7. Yea I agree with you. My impression was that he outfought Gregor and could have finished him off if it wasn't for his desire to draw a confession out of him. I believe GRRM wanted everyone to be thinking holy crap Oberyn is really kicking Gregor's ass, he's going to beat him and Tyrion is going to get off, then bam everything goes to shit. He had the perfect strategy to take down a huge guy in heavy plate. He even had him pinned on the ground, but he needed that confession so bad that it ended up backfiring on him. The other thing is he knew Gregor was dead regardless, considering he poisoned the spear. So at that point all he cared about was a confession. It's really too bad, but arguably the most epic scene in the series IMO. Edit: On a side note is it wrong that I'm really interested to see Gregor crush Oberyn's head? Don't get me wrong I hate Gregor and love Oberyn, but it's just such a brutal moment that I'm very interested to see how it will turn out on screen. Should be graphic enough to make Tyrion puke.
  8. I wouldn't say that Oberyn COULDN'T beat Gregor. If he wasn't so concerned with getting a confession he could've finished him when he got him on the ground. I understand your point though.
  9. I really hope your right. I'll be pissed if Yara is captured and also if them omit the Kingsmoot. I pretty much want that scene solely for Euron's intro.
  10. Holy hell Balerion is big. Great picture. Yea he was 100 years old and Drogon is what? 3? BIG difference.
  11. I refuse to believe Jon is a shitty fighter, especially with a valaryian blade, so I'm going to go with this explanation. I suppose Oberyn did mention "longswords could be a poor choice in closed quarters."
  12. Was I the only one who thought Jojen was a total badass for basically laughing in Karl's face when he told him how he was going to die? Jojen was money in this episode.
  13. I agree next episode looks great but I doubt it will be the best this season. The last 3 episodes are going to be full of huge moments.
  14. Yea it seems like they'll almost certainly be dipping into TWOW material for Bran next season. Maybe pretty early on in the season.
  15. Yea I definitely agree with you. I'm always surprised at how many people consider Aegon to be unimportant simply because he arrived late in the story. There's a very real possibility he ends up sitting the IT, so I don't really see how he could be considered unimportant.
  16. What that the show did it differently than it will be done in the books? He threw a few different scenarios out there so I wasn't sure which was the case.
  17. This is the article with GRRM's response. Doesn't really answer much to be honest. http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2014/05/02/george-r-r-martin-addresses-game-of-thrones-spoilers/
  18. Sorry where is that thread? I wasn't able to find anything.
  19. Has anyone on this thread seen the comments GRRM made about the potential spoiler at the end of this episode? How do you guys interpret what little he had to say?
  20. You have to take into account that a lot of people on this site believe Aegon is not a legitimate Targ, in which case he would obviously not have priority over Jon. Once the evidence is given to you, as with R+L=J, it becomes pretty hard to dispute. Aegon being fake also makes R+L=J more meaningful in the sense that Jon would actually be the heir, not Aegon. On another note I think your being a little short sighted by saying you don't care what the prequels say. As others have pointed out, they are in the same universe and often give us new information that could impact the series.
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