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Everything posted by wvfaerywoman

  1. Oh I didn't mean to make it sound like I think Martin will have Sansa marry Ramsay in the books ... I thnk it might be someone else that could put Sansa's heart in conflict with itself :).
  2. Here is what I propose regarding the Sansa marries Ramsay Bolton and gets pregnant idea. In Martin's original pitch letter to his agent, I believe Sansa was supposed to marry Joffrey and have his children. Despite the esculating conflict between the Starks and the Lannisters, Sansa ends up siding with her husband's family (Lannisters) because of her children. Obviously, Martin deserted this idea, but perhaps a seed of it remains. Perhaps Martin (and/or D&D) will let this particular character conflict and plot twist play out with Sansa's marriage to Ramsay Bolton. I fear Sansa may end up becoming Cersei II and will fight to protect her own child no matter what kind of monster he may become. This storyline would perserve the idea of one of the Stark children siding with their enemies because of having their children. I am not saying that Sansa won't get rid of Roose, Walda, and Ramsay, but I think it is possible that she wouldn't welcome the appearance of Bran and Rickon with complete joy. After all, how would the North that is loyal to the Starks feel about the child of the Bolton betrayers? I would not be surprised if a major character conflict for Sansa is protecting and securing her child's best interest or standing up for the Starks and getting revenge on what has happened to them. It might not be in her child's best interest to make a huge issue of the fact that her child's paternal family was full of traitors and sick bastards.On the other hand, Sansa may want to distance her child from both the Bolton and the Stark legacies and create a new name and house for herself. The question is how will the blood tell in her child? What sort of child would a Stark/Bolton be? The Starks have that "wild" wolf streak in them and the Boltons show a genetic propensity for being mean, cold, and twisted jerks. How many sins, how much evil is a mother's love able to cover? I don't think we will get to see Sansa's child (if it ever comes into being) reach adulthood, but I think we all know that he or she could make Joffrey and Ramsay look like pussycats. I could go down several diverging paths but this is one I thought of this morning that I didn't think had seen too much discussion.
  3. After reading the prologue of got again today, I am leaning toward the opinion that the resurrection done by Mel and the Others have to be connected, so as much as I hate Stoneheart and Beric, they might be important foreshadowing for the end game. Jon has two options to live on, warming or Mel.
  4. .Just a thought about why Arya added Beric and Thoros to her list...selling Gendry out to the red woman. Show!Arya lumps all three of them together as probably responsible for something nasty happening to Gendry. If she was all hot to avenge Lommy, it makes sense she'd want to avenge Gendry. She didn't have this reason in the books.
  5. According to Inside the Episode, Jamie is forcing her. Weiss and Benioff say it straight out.
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