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Liz Stark-Targaryen

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Posts posted by Liz Stark-Targaryen

  1. Definitely a 10/10!

    I would love to read them too. And some people who swore never watch the show again two weeks ago, and right now are here commenting.

    Yes, because isn't it amazing how epic this show can be when it doesn't go for cheap and easy exploitative scenes?

    I was viewing the forum 2 weeks ago when everyone said they were done with the show. It was hilarious because everyone knows you will watch next week no matter what. You have invested way too much into the show to just give up.

    This episode was amazing.

    Not exactly funny for the readers and viewers who are survivors of assault, but yes, we all do have quite a bit invested, thanks.

    To both of you: "I told you so" is never a good look.

  2. Great ep. Still processing everything.

    How is it possible with ALL those wildlings.. none of them were using FIRE ?

    There was some fire being used. But you have to remember it was wights in Castle Black. I think with the Walkers, the extreme cold they bring could perhaps douse a normal fire (think about the series first scene).

    They probably can't douse dragonfire, or even (maybe) wildfire, because both are magical.

    It's long been my theory: When a normal person dies, they become wights.

    When a Stark dies, they join the council of the White Walkers. Maybe in the past, when the Starks got old, they left to go "hunting".... But they were going to join their ancestors.

    The tombs in Winterfell are empty.

    So, the summarize:

    The Others wearing the sweet armor: Dead Starks. The Kings Of Winter.

    The Other soldiers: Babies that were turned.

    Wights: Normal people killed.

    Sounds like a good theory to me.

  3. I can not understand how any sane person can like Deanerys. She certainly is one of the biggest hypocrites around, and is in general just a bad, entitled, narcissistic person that has not earned very much through any skill or hard work.

    This ofcourse makes her the darling of Feminists.

    What is funny is that Daenerys chooses an actual psychopathic, murdering, rapist over the brother who essentially raised her as a hard working single mother. This is the champion of Feminists worldwide.

    You mean the brother who hit her, manhandled her, tried to rape her (book AND show canon), and threatened her life and the life of her baby? That brother?

    Funnily enough, one of the people Dany admires most in the world is her other brother, the one she never had the opportunity to meet.

    As for her skill and hard work, here's what Tyrion (GRRM's doppelgänger in canon) has to say about Dany in the last book:

    "I know that she spent her childhood in exile, impoverished, living on dreams and schemes, running from one city to the next, always fearful, never safe, friendless but for a brother who was by all acounts half-mad...a brother who sold her maidenhood to the Dothraki for the promise of an army. I know that somewhere upon the grass, her dragons hatched, and so did she. I know she is proud. How not? What else was left her but pride? I know she is strong. How not? The Dothraki despise weakness. If Daenerys had been weak, she would have perished with Viserys. I know she is fierce. Astapor, Yunkai and Meereen are proof enough of that. She has survived assassins and conspiracies and fell sorceries, grieved for a brother and a husband and a son, trod the cities of the slavers to dust beneath her dainty sandaled feet."

    Unsullied viewers love their Khaleesi for a reason. There are other criticisms of her character to be made. The idea that she didn't earn her position is not one of them.

  4. So like three episodes after the infamous trial/execution Danny suddenly decides to ignore her previous rule about not killing people without a trial. So shouldn't she be executed for randomly murdering a potential suspect???

    But of course she is one of the biggest hypocrites around...when she is wronged its ok to kill people without finding definitive proof.

    :rolleyes: It's called "being the Queen." This is her moving more toward her "fire and blood" side, which she's been doing for a while and which Martin confirmed will happen in her arc.

    What on earth was that Dany scene? That's some season 3+4 Stannis treatment.

    Actually, I liked that scene, and judging from my Twitter, the Unsullied loved it.

    The episode was one of the best in the entire series so far. The show can't please everybody.

    :agree: Can't wait to rewatch each scene. I greatly prefer the stuff in the North, at the Wall, and in Essos to the intrigue of King's Landing. The only character I missed was my Arya.

    She is a Stark....not a werewolf!

    :lmao: I mean, what exactly do people want Sansa to do?

    Lol show, you don't just "walk" into Valyria.

    Though even I have to admit the CGI looked absolutely amazing.

    Jorah gets the JonCon Greyscale treatment. Dany's council is just getting smaller and smaller, isn't it?

    I really liked the Stannis and Sam scene. "Keep reading, Samwell Tarly." dawwwwww.

    And yes. R+L indeed. I laughed right out loud when Aemon said the "no Targaryens left to help Dany" and then the camera panned straight to Jon.

    Aemon's not dead yet though. Next episode, maybe? I guess we're not getting any of the stuff about Lightbringer being a fake and dragons switching between male and female in the show. Oh well.

    Loved this summary of the ep. These were many of my takes on things, too. I was frustrated that they merged the Rhoyne with Valyria, though.

  5. Yet another new fan here! I'm Liz, and I live in Philly. I'm a longtime fantasy reader (and wannabe writer) with experience in other fandoms. A good friend gave me AGoT many years ago, but at the time I was deep into other series. I've always loved the Starks but was content to just remain an Unsullied HBO TV show viewer... that is, until recently.

    I've always loved the Starks but was content to remain Unsullied. I confess that I'm more drawn to fantasy novels that focuses more on romance and/or retellings of traditional ballads, fairytales, and legends. However, because of the cross-pollination between fandoms I've been spoiled about many of the major main characters' story lines (Dany and her dragons, Red Wedding), which I didn't mind much. I've always been one of those awful readers who will sometimes flip to the last chapter, read that first, and go back. That's because I generally care more about processes than outcomes. Knowing what happened is a small part of the reading experience. I love stories that unfold brilliantly, showing the reader why and how something happened.

    Anyway, it wasn't until this season that I was inspired to try reading the books again. Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand fascinated me, because until they popped up, I'd forgot all about Dorne and the fact that the former princess who was killed by the Mountain was Dornish. I began to wonder more about the backstory that the TV show isn't giving us. Finished AGoT a few weeks ago and Ned's chapters made me suspect something was up. I kept reading, but contacted my ASoIaF loving friends with my inklings about Ned's sister being a certain character's ---. Of course, they grinned and were like, "Oh boy. You have no idea how deep that rabbit hole goes... do you want spoilers?" My response was that they could spoil anything up through where the show is. They sat me down, and shared with me R+L=J. And I was hooked! (OK, maybe "obsessed" is the proper word. :cool4: )

    Since then, I've gorged myself on the remaining books, and TPatQ. Can't wait to get into Dunk and Egg. Waiting alongside everyone else for TWoIaF and TWoW. Probably won't post much (I'm a new professor on the tenure track), but I just wanted to introduce myself and express thanks to the admins and mods for such an amazing site and Wiki.

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