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Mal Malenkirk

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Posts posted by Mal Malenkirk

  1. Nice OP now that it's cleaned up. One correction eeds to be made, though...

    Raynald Westerling, squire and good-brother to King Robb Stark. Last seen 299 AC at The Twins during the Red Wedding. He released Grey Wind and was shot with crossbow arrows. He left a blood trail to the river.

    Raynald was not Robb's squire, he was a knight. You are confusing him with his kid brother Rollam who is alive because he was not at the Red Wedding.

    It jumped to my attention because Raynald is my favorite minor chracter and I rather hope he miraculously survived.

  2. You could add a degree of likelyhood that these guys are dead or alive.

    As an aside, it's amusing to me that this MIA list is from the perspective of the reader, not that of those characters that would actually be putting the pictures on the milk cartons if they could. Because right now Selmy and Belwas would be launching an Amber alert for Dany if they could, for example!

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