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George on religion


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This interview made me love George even more. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGA6JHNI-oo (skip to 1:16:40)

Hehe, Miracle Five!

By the way, I find another thing he says also quite interesting. He talks a bit about his inspiration for the dualism of the Red Faith and notes how the Cathars believed in a good god and an evil god, and that it was actually the evil god who created the world, noting that it solves the "So why does it have so much shitty stuff in it?" problem that many religions with a benevolent creator run into.

Now, I very much doubt that at the end of the books, we'll find out that the Great Other created the universe or something like that. But it could point into the direction that the Others might be the more ancient, original inhabitants of Planetos...

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