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How Would YOU Invade Westeros?

Lion Of The Night

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There are a few threads that discuss whether or not the Dothraki can take Westeros and the general consensus is no.

That leaves the question, can Westeros be taken?

So here's the scenario: You are a wealthy, charismatic, Essene general. You have a collection of good officers and a war chest of let's say 6 to 8 million gold dragons. And you want Westeros!

Who would comprise your troops? What number of infantry and calvery would you need? How would you get them to Westeros? How would you supply them? Where would you land? What castles would you take first?

What is YOUR battle plans?

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The politics are as important as the military maneuvers. The more Westerosi support an invader can secure, and the more houses that choose to stay on the sidelines rather than trying to fight you off, the better your chances. So at the end of ADWD, the important houses to talk to are probably Martell, Tyrell, and the Vale.

The Ironborn are unreasonable, the armies of the North, Riverlands, and Stannis are destroyed / busy, and the Lannisters probably have to be destroyed.

So you'd decide whether to try to persuade the Martells, Tyrells, or the Vale to join you first. Your invasion plans are going to be heavily influenced by their priorities.

Also, avoid the north now that it is snowing.

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Claims would make it so much easier. Getting to mary Sansa Stark could offer a solid avenue of entry into Westeros it's politics. You marry Sansa, then conquer the north for her and you. Its not like the North will be jumping for youre rule but then atelast you should have some form of legitimacy which you can uphold with having some armies of youre own, some income to support that all, a few vassals that might help you in expansion granting you pick the right enemy's like the frey's. if the Tully line dies out then iirc Sansa is heir to the riverland aswell, or atleast has a legitimate claim which you can fight for. Once you control 2 of the 7 kingdoms i think you could build up youre armies and allegiances and make a move for the throne.

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