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Seen the latest Season 5 news?

King Jon Targaryen I

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If somebody successfully uses the dragon horn to enthrall a dragon in the story, the show has a high chance of including the dragon horn. How else is somebody supposed to kidnap a dragon? But the issue with powerful magical items that come out of nowhere is that they can come across like lazy writing. So if the show doesn't have to bring in that kind of thing, I bet it won't.

Edit: I'm not saying the horns are lazy in the books - GRRM doesn't have them come out of nowhere. But for the show, screwing around with horns is one of the least interesting things a character could do so there isn't all this buildup with the horns.

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In season two when Sam found the dragonglass there was a horn with it. Since then we haven't seen or heard of it since. Mance didn't have his horn either. Heck, we don't even know if the dragon horn will work. It would be hilarious if in the books it accidentally gets dropped overboard. Oops! *splash*

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