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ASOIAF in Mount & Blade, PW mod


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So Ive been lurking the forums for a lot of time and I also posted a few times, and I wanted to share some videos of persistent life mod for a great game.

In this mod a lot of factions from ASOIAF were created and they ended kind of taking over the mod, with big amount of factions come a lot of players and with a lot of players come people making Youtube videos so here are some which are quite interesting.

The Red Wedding


The Starks and more factions try attacking Casterly Rock



The Lannisters sally out of their fortress



A very nice youtube channel worth of being looked at.


Ill be searching videos of different factions, the Lannisters are the one with the biggest amount of media but IIRC theres a lot of videos arround.

The Starks fight superior forces and defend a small village


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