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Asshai and the possibility of teleportation

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Call me crazy,call me stupid,call me whatever but I was going right a long analysis on whether teleportation is possible and the Shadowbinders and Warlocks can do it in Asshai but I lost my nerve and mayhaps one day I'll try again and make a fair argument but all I suggest is taking in this quote "To go north, you must journey south. To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward you must go back, and to touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow."reading the two pages and beautiful artwork on Asshai is also recommended. I would write my theory on it but I aren't willing to waste my time on something that Is just pure speculation and the majority of people will disagree with. So I'm basically saying,read about Asshai and think about whether teleportation is possible in ASoIaF. If the Glass Candle never existed,would we think it's powers would be possible in ASoIaF? Probably not so why can't we with teleportation? My other theory was the shadowlands bordering Westeros but looking at the known world map,it's impossible. But I'm a firm believer Quaithe's quote is telling Dany the way to Westeros is easily done by going to Asshai. Like I said,in the future I may analyse the possibility in greater detail.

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