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Was Viserys "III" a truly mad Targaryen?

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Singers and Maesters have oft commented over the years that when a new Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin. If it comes up "heads" the babe is a scion of Valyria, born to rule and command - to be both loved and feared. If it emerges "tails" the babe will be any combination of mad, cruel, foolish, or deranged. Viserys' coin came up "tails". For those who have read the Dunk and Egg stories, Viserys is quite similar to another cruel Targaryen: Aerion Brightflame.

We can understand this through the genetics of inbreeding depression. When humans mate brother to sister, or cousin to cousin - or any similar combo, the result will be deranged madness over subsequent generations. The Targaryens are of the blood of Valyria, whose dragonlords commanded and dominated other men. Their traits of superior strength and charisma are going to express themselves in the genetic line (when a coin comes up heads) but also there will be times when inbreeding depression hits hard (when the coin comes up tails). In order to stave off genetic depression, new bloodlines are needed Unfortunately there are only three main places in the world where these genes are still found:

House Targaryen (obviously) - who fled Valyria before the Doom

House Velaryon - vassals to the Targaryens, who followed them to Westeros

Nobility lines in Lys - many genetic lines remain in the free city, where Valyrian nobles were in repose at the time of the Doom.

In the Targaryen bloodline there are a few times when the family inbreeding is broken by a (quite healthy) injection of new valyrian genetics. Early in the history of the line, house Velaryon creeps in, helping stave off the inbreeding depression. Another example exists in Aegon the Unworthy, who took as his last mistress Serenei of Lys - a noble of an old and impoverished Valyrian line. Serenei birthed Shiera Seastar, a beauty of great popularity (though a bastard). Shiera was a Valyrian in the purest form and she was an example of how a healthy genetic infusion can bring back the glory of the Valyrian genetics.

Targaryen genetic depression is nothing new. Aegon I married his 2 sisters and the fruits of those unions both came up "tails" Aenys I (the son of Rhaenys) was a weakling who oft took sick. Maegor called "The Cruel" - the son of Visenya - was a bloodthirsty madman. And these two men were direct sons of the conqueror!

To bring this discussion back to the character of note - Viserys - he was certainly a "tails". Was he mad? possibly, but that is not really the point. He was a product of bad genes, and not the first.

Examples of "tails" targaryens include:

Aenys I - A weakling oft taken to indecision

Maegor "the cruel" - who slaughtered many and was considered a madman

Baelor "The Blessed" - another madman whose madness was cloaked in piety. He imprisoned his sisters to avoid temptation and died of self-starvation.

Aegon III - who was oft consumed by black depressions - called the "broken king" and also Aegon "the unlucky"

Aegon IV - Called "the unworthy", he was consumed by carnal lusts and had over 900 mistresses in his lifetime.

Aerion Brightflame: Appears in the Dunk and Egg stories. Cruel and petty. Aerion also began to exhibit madness later in life and died drinking wildfire while foolishly thinking he would turn into a dragon.

Aerys II - called "The Mad King". Possibly the strongest example of inbreeding depression.

Viserys - Called "The Beggar King". Remarkably similar to Aerion Brightflame. Had he lived past GoT, he likely would have begun to show deepening signs of madness.

Examples of "Heads" Targaryens include:

Aegon the Conqueror and his 2 sisters

Jaehaerys I - called "the conciliator" and his sister-wife Alysanne "the good": They ruled for over 50 years and bound the realms wounds following Maegor's tyranny. Both were loved by the commons.

Corlys Velaryon - not a targaryen, but he was of pure Valyarian blood. Called the "Sea Snake" he commanded a vast fleet and sailed the world. Loved by those who followed him.

Rhaenyra Targaryen - Called the "Realms Delight". She contended for the throne in the Dance of the Dragons and lost.

Daemon Blackfyre - The bastard son of Aegon the Unworthy and Daena, the sister of Baelor. Daemon was oft described as "Aegon come again" and half the realm followed him to die on the Redgrass Field.

Shiera Seastar - The bastard daughter of Aegon the Unworthy and Serenei of Lys. A great beauty that expressed the charisma of the Valyrians of old.

Aegon V - The wise and thoughtful king and the "egg" of the dunk and egg stories

Maester Aemon - The well known maester of the Wall. Regarded in the Citadel as a savant genius.

Rhaegar Targaryen - The beloved son of the Mad King who was much alike to Daemon Blackfyre. A mighty warrior and lover of music. Killed by Robert Baratheon. Many grieved his death.

Daenerys Targaryen - The Mother of Dragons

Aurane Waters, the Bastard of Driftmark - Oft overlooked. This bastard of House Velaryon is much like Rhaegar. So much so that Cersei made him Master of Ships due to her attraction to him.

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