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What's next, AKA when every hope is lost (Spoilers for everything)

Pigeon Pie

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90% of the powers in Westeros, in the fans' minds or in Essos are now either gone or in a really, really bad situation.

Dany's scene seriously looked like... well... I don't want to say the words but it looked like she's becoming the next Tysha probably. Drogon is in no shape to roast anyone, and he wasn't even there with her. (Out of topic, am I the only one who hoped Dany's landed in the Vale and she looks in the distance and sees the Eyrie? Am I? Yes? okay)

Stannis is... well... if he isn't dead then he's pretty much a lost cause.

Jon Snow... Do I even need to... (they didn't show him warging but hey, Melisandre is at the wall now, she can resurrect him!) but when he's resurrected, who will even follow him? The wildlings? Maaaybe?

Lady Sansa of House Stark of Winterfell, our very hopeful Queen in the North has escaped her husband's hold, but unfortunately that hold remains very strong on her birthright, Winterfell.

And now to King's Landing... Never loved Cersei much but am I the only one who wanted to strangle Pycelle?

RIP Myrcella (awww at that scene btw, at least he didn't end up burning her)... Tommen isn't in shape for ruling, Kevan is no Tywin, and I'm pretty sure Cersei is now filled with rage (and planning one hella revenge for that nun especially). Who holds the power again? A bunch of people, each of them an itty bitty part of it? That doesn't sound very promising... Bye bye La Maison Lannister...

Who remains on the board? Littlefinger and the Boltons. The former wants World Domination and the latter none of it below The Neck (yet).

Will the next book witness Westeros going down in flames? Is this a sign for The Game subsiding, leaving the way open for The Song to now take place (AKA the WW come down and boom everyone)? We know the white walkers are now greatly in power, but what of the counterpart... the dragons? While Viserion and Rhaegal (the two rogues) remain pretty safe for now, did it look like Drogon was dying to anyone else?

Thoughts on what's to come next for The Powers on the show?

(And before I leave the mic for you, I would like to quote Chris Martin... "Welcome to the crazy, wacky world of Game of Thrones")

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There is still many places, kingdoms we never heard off that GRRM has created in his books, just have a look at the map, it's HUGE! we don't know who else is out there with crazy stuff, army, magic...maybe Melisandre will call all his friends in Ashai and we'll have an army of magician, and as the dragons are from there (if i recall) they will come with hundreds of dragons! or...maybe...the white walkers are not the real evil...

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