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(HUGE SPOILERS) The ending and what will happen


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I think that I had figured out how the things will go down, if I am right the following text has huge spoilers, do not tell that you have not been warned:

In the movie:

Daenerys’s fleet approach Westeros, in it’s way will meet Euron’s fleet and a naval battle will take place. Euron will be defeated even if his fleet is superior (experienced crew, better ships) simply because Daenerys has an almighty air support.

However Euron will manage to escape and retreat with what is left of his armada. Maybe some of the Iron Born will desert but many will stand by him. For revenge Euron will go north. He will contact in some way the Night’s King and somehow will make a deal: his ships help in order to bypass the wall in exchange for revenge/immortality. The tips is in: What is DEAD may never die.

Enabled by Euron’s fleet, part of the dead army will land south of the wall and attack the wall from the south, the rest of the dead army will attach from the north and the wall will be brought down in a pincer maneuver. 

The north men will be caught by surprise or they will be unable to get at the wall in time because of the weather. A battle might take place, however the outcome will be the same: they will be forced to retreat south. If a battle will take place it will not be many of them still standing.

They will find themselves in a very dramatic place to be: between the death and maybe a momentarily superior Lanister force. Or holed up in the Valley. 

In this time Daenerys will land in Westeros, her army, dragons and new allies will simply conquer the lands almost effortlessly. The purpose of this is to show you, to make you feel how almighty Daenerys’s force is. To get you a feeling of proportions at what is coming next. 

At the end of her campaign Daenerys will confront Jon and the surviving Northmen, they will join forces in a way or other.

The mightiest army Westeros has ever seen will face the army of the Dead and they will LOSE or almost lose in a battle of apocalyptic dimensions, maybe dragons will die. The outcome will be:

v.1) The day is saved by Bran, or something unexpected and /or desperate.
v.2) They lose the battle and the few refugees will search refugee in Essos. Maybe the dead would follow maybe not. The children of the forest would ironically have reached the purpose with what they made the with walkers: Their continent free of invaders. The moral will be: if it would have been peace, if the armies of the living would not have been depleted, if the fields would not be full of the victims of wars then mankind might have had a fighting chance.
v.3) With mighty sacrifices the dead are hold back, but the North it is lost. Maybe when the spring will come mankind might push back. And this would be the bittersweet ending.

In the books:

 Daenerys and the Dothraki will go down pretty much the same like in the TV series, or pretty much a version of it. All the tips were already showed in the prophecies "Beneath the Mother of Mountains, a line of naked crones crept from a great lake and knelt shivering before her, their grey heads bowed." "Khal of khals, uniting the people into a single khalessar, all the people of the world will be his herd."

Euron most probably had double-crossed at some point the faceless men, they get back at him by stealing the book with the lore about dragons.  As such Euron will be unable to actually control a dragon, the binding will fail spectacularly: a dragon will come to him and he will be unable to control it and at such it will backfire badly OR the dragon will be only annoyed and will continue with the battle of Mereen.

I personally believe however that the horn is actually a weapon against dragons (a horn to bring down the wall, a horn to bring the dragons down “binding” their wings), kind like a ultrasonic weapon. In the preview Tyrion chapter, it is hinted that Viserion the white dragon retreats from battle, probably injured. Now if the Dragonbinder incapacitated him temporarily and he got wounded . . . Also a nice tip is when Tyrion cleans of blood a cyvasse with a white dragon on in: is a tip about him nursing back to health the real dragon and bonding with him?

After his initial plans had failed so miserably Victarion will offer Daenerys his fleet to get back at Euron.

From here on we have the same events as in the movie version.

A nice touch is Euron’s  armor made of Valyrian steel. I think that it might even protect him against dragon fire if he will be faced by a dragon at some point. With his magic and armor he will be a real terminator on the battle field.

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