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About those taxes and tithes

house of dayne

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If the wardens of the seven kingdoms administer their lands on behalf of the iron throne and collect the taxes on behalf of the royal treasury, how do you suppose that wealth is actually delivered to the king? there is a charming lack of any kind of westrosi banking system and as littlefingers  schemes prove a real lack of any understanding of accounting ..it seems that wealth needs to physically change hands..so do you imagine regular caravans of gold and silver travelling to kings landing? im asking of course about the practice during a peaceful reign ..obviously during the wars litte money flowed anywhere at all.

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Treasure caravans, with a good escort for security, are the only way to move amounts of wealth. This most likely is a larger version of the same practice used to bring money to regional capitals like the Eyrie, Highgarden, and to King's Landing itself for the Crownlands from each smaller fiefdom. Nobles would take this chance to visit the capital with members of their household to, as the large amount of guards means more security. War or not a possible bounty attracts bandits.

But, we should keep in mind that the Iron Thrones grip over a matter of issues is not absolute. The Wardens do have a number of privilege over their territories. I belive that the taxation level and tithes frequency is not stritcly arranged by a centralised body of law but by the wardens desires.

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