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How would AFfCs fare as a series?

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Really I think the lines between books will be blurred. It's obvious that major portions are not in chronological order and I think some of this will be ironed out in the series. Portions of aSoS will definately start in ACoK and leak into the aFfC/aDwD combo (which is inevitable IMHO) and provide plenty of bang per season.

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The story lines will not only blur but will be condensed and 'adapted'.

GRRM is a screenwriter, he could explain this better than anyone.

Watch any movie that was a great adaptation of a book, e.g., The Godfather - both the book and film are great, but very different.

An HBO series allows much more content than a 2 hour film, but the same principles of keeping the audience engaged and interested, dare I say fascinated, apply.

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Don't a lot of the scenes from ASOS happen at the same time or even after some scenes in AFFC? Since that season would be so incredibly chock-full of events, to me it would make more sense to move some of the events from ASOS to the fourth season. Off the top of my head, I can't remember what those would be, but I remember reading a brilliant analysis of this concept somewhere in the Feast of Crows subforum.

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I believe What the best plan for this is is to keep it two seasons but make it more chronological. also as ADWD is rumored to be the longest book yet, and has the jon, daneris tiryan and bran POV which are the most popular plus the end will have some more arya and wrap up of sht in kings landing. I think seasons 4 and 5 will not have a problem because in length alone and very likely in POV's we have not seen yet will have enough.

I WOULD HATE IT IF THEY MADE IT INTO ONE SEASON!!! that is twice the size of any of the other books and you would want it to fit?

i am more woried two seasons will not be enough. I think we will be able to see this more clearly once ADWD finally comes out and we get to read what are my favorite POV's (honestly i hated the fact that arya was the only POV in my top 5 in AFFC.

btw i believe GRRM said they are planning to have it two seasons but do both books simultaniuosly.

Think also ADWD has john fighting at the wall, to keep the wall, and contend with melisandre and stanis.

We have Danny who is going to have dragon's growing and people heavily wanting to influence her and get her on thier side.

We have bran doing who know's what but i doubt it will be traveling the riverlands

Tyrion Lannister is dealing with plannign to join danny and her probbably wanting to kill him as she sees him.

And we have the end which will tie up both books and maybe start getting some charachters back closer to eachother.

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