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Possible BFME2 mod?


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I've been thinking about attempting to make a ASOIAF mod for bfme2/rotwk. I've started playing around with the files trying to gauge how much work it would be and what not and it seems to have potentional.

I've played Agot:G and it really did nothing for me, I've played BFME2 on and off since it came out and it appears that looking at the other games out there that are being modded for ASOIAF have their differences so a BFME2 mod would provide a nice option for a different style of game play.

Anyone who hasn't played BFME2, to give an example the gameplay is similar to classics such as Age of Empires, build cities, build armies and attack each other. It clearly lacks the diplomacy elements that we find in the books but they could possibly be slightly enhanced in a mod using a few techniques.

Biggest thing about this for me is I don't want to set out working towards something unachievable (too ambitious).

I'm just putting this out there to see if there is anybody that would be interested in helping and anybody interested in playing?

What I have at the moment is a couple of possibilities for the project:

- Simply add a new faction to the current game

- Add a new "westeros" faction, prebuilt create-a-hero's of the 5 kings (War of the 5 kings). Whichever hero is selected the heraldry and possibly a few heroes and units change to match the chosen hero/king

- Make a Total Conversion of the game that removes the lotr factions and has 5/6/7/8 ASOIAF factions. There are different possibilities for what these factions are... at the moment I'm thinking







based around end of Agot/ start of Acok.

Each new faction is roughly

12 buildings

8-12 heroes

8-12 units

various upgrades

Power trees

So 6 new factions is a decent amount of work but not impossible (although one person on there own would probably looking at about 2 years work i reckon)

I can code (still learning), what would be massively helpful would be any sort of art, whether it be modelling skinning or even just concept art for heroes/units/buildings.

Also, although this doesn't need any one person in particular, knowledge of lore would be most welcome concerning things such as unit/power/upgrades ideas and strength/cost of these. In addition any info that would be helpful to skinning such as weapons and armour of units/heroes and look of buildings.


After that additional features could be added (providing its possible to code within reason)

Somethings I've been thinking of (and I'm open to more suggestions)

-Non fighting heroes / units :- heroes or units with little or no military capabilities that still have powers and they level up simply by remaining alive. For example: Littlefinger - gives nearby economic structures a % boost, the radius effected and the % boost rises at certain levels.

-Introducing ways to make and break alliances in game :- its a tricky one but perhaps have a ambassador unit that when within a certain distance of an enemy ambassador you become unable to cause damage to that player (effectively make you allies).

-The game currently already consists of units/powers that allow the allegiance of units to be changed and cloaking abilities this could provide a platform for sneaky asoiaf style inteference.

-BFME2 has a worldbuilder tool that allows anyone to make maps that can be played in game meaning a range of westeros based maps have the potential to be made. You could be defending winterfell or attacking kingslanding.

-Probably the most complicated of ideas I've come up with is having either a buildable "castle" or custom maps that already contain numerous "castles" that once built/captured depending on your faction you can choose from a range of noble lords/houses that are bannermen of your faction and they then serve as a mini-faction that you can recruit a couple of different heroes/units/upgrades from.


Thanks if you bothered to read all that.

P.S: I'm just finishing AFFC so please no ADWD spoilers if it can be helped!!

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