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Jon becomes Stannis.


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Jon struggles with power. So yeah, he is becoming like Stannis who struggles with his kingship. And Cersei, and Ned etc.

Secret Targ (Rheagar), secret Stark (L not N), Valyrian Steel sword, direwolf, possibly dragon, warging a king, AAR, damn, Jon's quite the hot sauce. I expect another free meal for him in tWoW.

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Throughout the books Stannis keeps getting described as more and more skeletal/dead looking. Perhaps even losing 'life-power' after his spells. Perhaps this will make it easier for Jon to warg into him.

When Mel asks the fires to show AA, they show Stannis, skeletons and Jon Snow. Hmmm...

Mel's fires led her to Stannis and now Jon Snow when she asks to see AA, she says they always tell the truth, but she may not have interpreted it correctly.

In the temple of the undying Dany dreams of a blue eyed king holding lightbringer and blue roses. Jon/Stannis union?

Jon has a dream that he is AA carrying lightbringer and in this dream kills Rob... Stannis killed Rob in a way through his leech spell.

There's a theory going around that Mel's leech spell did not kill Robb, Balon & Joffrey. Mel merely saw their deaths in the fires and came up with a con job "spell" to claim credit for them.

As for Lightbringer + Blue Roses, I'm almost certain Dany's vision did not see the shadowless man having any blue roses nearby.

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Wow! I'm happy my theory has generated so many responses. Thank you for the compliments on my first post, I hope for many more to come. I don't think the R+L=J theory is true and am leaning more towards a N+A=J or A+L=J. Though if N+A=J, then I think R+L=?... I'm not sure who this would be, maybe Darkstar since he like Rhaegar is described as the most handsome man in the seven kingdoms.

Anyway, I don't want to get too far off topic in this thread, but I don't think Stannis as Stannis is going to make it very much further, but with the evidence I've seen and the somewhat similar personalities Stannis and Jon have with each other, I see Stanis being warged by someone or someone glamored as Stannis if he does die. Jon in this role makes too much sense, but if Jon does take this role I don't see Selyse and the princess playing a part in Jon's future as "Stannis." Perhaps a Stannis(Jon) union with Val?

I've enjoyed reading everyone's theories and hope to see more!

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Welcome to the forums!

It is an interesting concept, but a little bit too strange (At least for my personal tastes) and it might lead to too many other complications - Jon still has to deal with his mystery parentage, Ramsay Botlon and the chaos of the entire NW. Everything would be quite halted and difficult to pursue if he becomes Stannified. Same goes with Stannis goals, it would just seem very tricky to have to manage to different plotlines like that...controlling two different people in one.

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