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Can I read aFfC like this?


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I have just finished aSoS, I loved the ending btw, so much exiting stuff happened and I am about to start aFfC.

I noticed there is a separate book called "Arms of the Kraken" which is based on the Iron Islands chapters in aFfC. Is it possible to read the Iron Island chapters separate from the rest of the story, or are there two many clashes.

Also if it is possible what would you recommend reading first?

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I don't think it clashes a lot with the main story in Westeros, but I suggest you to read it just as it was written because that will always be the best.

EDIT: There are five Ironborn chapters in Feast and only one can be considered to clash with the 'main plot', but I assume the Ironborn story is already part of the main plot by then because the events in the book are pretty important for setting up the second half of Dance and Winds.

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