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Sand Snakes' Roles Going Forward...


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After re-reading "The Watcher" chapter in ADwD, I'm curious about Doran's master plan for his eldest nieces and how they will each fit in the various factions of the Westerosi political machine: Nym is to return Myrcella to KL and replace her father on the Small Council, and Tyene will spy on the new High Septon (I leave out Obara, who is on the hunt for Darkstar with Balon Swann in the Dornish Marches and is more of a diversion than a spy). Meanwhile, the younger of the non-Ellaria Snakes, Sarella, may very likely be Alleras, the novice maester aiding Sam at the Citadel. The Small Council, the Sept, and the Citadel: why are the Sand Snakes stationed within these specific factions? No doubt to spy, but will they play any larger role in influencing these group's activities?

We know that Doran is extremely calculating, and he must have some notion that the Small Council, Archmaesters and the High Septon have some part to play in the events likely to occur in the future, but what? Does he plan on using his nieces' natural killer talents to subtly remove those whose power grows quietly as the Iron Throne contenders create a power vacuum in Westeros? Will he attempt to influence each of these groups through the Sand Snakes?

I'm curious, because so far Dorne has played a relatively small role in influencing the events of the series, yet GRRM has crafted the Sand Snakes into these marvelous characters who seem to have a greater role to play before ASOIAF ends.

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