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A female heir to the iron throne.


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Currently in England the Queen is regent and her husband does not hold the title of King. He is Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh.

In the "Baratheon" line Myrcella is Tommen's heir. Stannis is attainted as a rebel so has been removed from the line of succession. If he had not rebelled then I'm unsure if he would come before or after Myrcella but I think she would come first. I base that on the case Jon made for Alys Karstark, saying a daughter comes before an uncle by all the laws he knows. The same way that if Bran and Rickon were really dead then WF would go to Sansa, as opposed to her uncle Edmure, (if he was not a prisoner of the crown). If Tommen dies without legit issue then the crown goes to Myrcella and she would be regent even if married to a Martell or someone, and the crown would pass to her issue, males first. If both Tommen and Myrcella die without issue, then I'm not sure where it goes next. Perhaps there would be a Grand Council or something to decide on a new dynasty, based on strongest claim. In the mean time, anyone with enough power to take the throne by force is free to do so, as per Robert's rebellion, and start their own line of kings.

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Femme fatale wrote:

Currently in England the Queen is regent and her husband does not hold the title of King. He is Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh.


You are right about Phillip, but the Queen is monarch, not regent. In both ASoIaF and in real life, "regent" is the person who runs the country on behalf of a monarch who has not yet come of age or is incapacitated. George III of England was both ill and mentally unstable during the last 10 years of his reign so his son the Prince of Wales acted as regent. Often regents from the royal family; Cersei for example, is still regent for Tommen as of the end of ADWD. But Robert had named Eddard as Joffrey's regent, but he was arrested before he could really act in that capacity.

Re: the books' laws of succession--IMO they are inconsistent and at times subject to interpretation, but they clearly favour the males of the family, except for Dorne. I suspect that even with the Targs, any female who would have been heir if she'd had something dangling between her legs still had the option of fighting for the throne. Right of conquest certainly worked for Robert and could work for Dany if she comes home and chooses to pursue it. Most posters think she would step aside for someone with an authetically better claim, and so do I. But she could fight.

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