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(Book Spoilers) Question on sucessions due to show changes

Maester Tormund

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So it appears in the show that Willas Tyrell and Garlan Tyrell have been eliminated. I think Tywin mentioned that Cersei will marry Loras because he is heir to Highgarden right when he told Tyrion he was to marry Sansa Stark. Later on when Tyrion tries to rub it in Cersei's face she very smugly says that it doesn't matter. I suspect she will have Loras Tyrell named to the KG in the show to make it impossible for them to marry.This would then make Margarery the heir to Highgarden. And Tommen (after Joff "chokes" of course) will marry her.

So does that mean in the show by the time Season 4 ends Tommen will be heir to:

1.) Storm's End by birthright; the realm still thinks Robert is his father

2.) Casterly Rock by birthright; Tywin will be dead, Jaime can't inherit it since he's in the KG, Tyrion will be accused of kin(g)slaying and half way to Pentos, and Cersei will be left to inherit it (Tommen after her of course)

3.) Highgarden by marraige; Margarery will be heir to Highgarden and Tommen will be her husband

4.) Kingslanding by birthright; Robert usurped the crown and its holdings from the Targaryens

5.) Dragonstone by birthright; was traditionally a seat of the royal blood, Stannis is Tommen's uncle and a tratior

Did I miss any of them?

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