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Do you wish we had a POV of the commonfolk?

The Faceless Wolf

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Perhaps not a character that lasted through all the books (though I would like this) but just a chapter dedicated in each book to showing how the people feel about what's going on around them with the wars and rumors. I always enjoy when characters are walking through towns and hear snippets of gossip so I always thought that if say, Gendry, had a POV the whole time it could have been excellent. All we have are highborns, upjumped to highborns, or the protectors of highborns. I want the voice of the people damnit! :leaving:

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Yeah, I always thought that the winner of this series was going to be "The People"- i.e. that they would uprise and storm King's Landing and that the KL riot was a foreshadowing of this. It seems they are fabulously malleable in the whole series- they'll take anything and won't ever really rebel.

Davos is the closest thing we get to a people POV I guess.

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