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Orgin of House Stark in theory.

The Black Hawk

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Didn't the Targs rule for 300 mostly peaceful years or am I missing something?

I think you're confusing that with Ned Stark describing Robert Baratheons reign as "15 years of relative peace". As far as we know, at least the Dance of Dragons, multiple Blackfyre rebellions and quite a few Ironborn raids happened under House Targaryen. It wasn't as utopian as all that.

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Faith Militant Uprising - 9yrs

Dance of Dragons - 9yrs

Conquering of Dorne - 4 yrs

Blackfyre Rebellion - 1yr

Blackfyre Rebellion 2 - ZERO Battles

War of Ninepenny Kings - 5yrs

Defiance of Duskendale - 6 months

That is 28 yrs of fighting out of 280 years, until Roberts Rebellion. And 10 of those years of war, were Targ vs Targ.

Maybe we will have to agree to disagree

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Faith Militant Uprising - 9yrs

Dance of Dragons - 9yrs

Conquering of Dorne - 4 yrs

Blackfyre Rebellion - 1yr

Blackfyre Rebellion 2 - ZERO Battles

War of Ninepenny Kings - 5yrs

Defiance of Duskendale - 6 months

That is 28 yrs of fighting out of 280 years, until Roberts Rebellion. And 10 of those years of war, were Targ vs Targ.

Maybe we will have to agree to disagree


Also, the war of ninepenny kings happened mostly on Essos, all what actually touched the 7 kingdoms was Westerosi army slaughtering Golden Company on Stepstones. Sure lot of soldiers died, but not a single village was pillaged, not a single civilian victim was killed (at least not on Westeros)

eta: also, in conquest of Dorne, most, if not all, of the fighting happened in Dorne and Duskendale hardly touched anything but Crownlands

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  • 6 months later...

I have to agree that despite some notable exceptions (Aegon the Unworthy, the Blackfyre rebellion, Aerion and Aerys) i do view the Targaryen rule as positive overall like frozentree and wildblood, interesting parallel with the US. I believe with the exception of the North (to some extent as I believe they instilled more unity than any other Kingdom at the time of Aegon's landing) that the constant fighting of the other houses was extremely destructive to Westeros, more so than what followed until well now. Furthermore I don't think anyone can deny the Riverlands were vastly improved by Harren getting deep fried.

I think despite the lack of any err karma or typical principles of morality governing the plot in Asoiaf and the way George writes, that how he ties it up and which families remain/return will offer some insight on this. I have my own views but I'll stop here so as to not provoke any Targ haters or anyone else haha.

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