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Best Commander in Westeros - An argumentative Vote


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So many threads about who is the best Commander in Westeros. Time to make a decision for once and all. Looking at different aspects of Warfare, and the toted famous commanders of Westeros, thread by thread I aim to come to the Best commander in Westeros overall.

How this shall work: Each thread will cover a different aspect of war (Battle, intrigue, Logistics, etc..) and each member posting gets one vote. The trick however, is that your vote much be convincingly backed up with an argument why. After some time. I'll tally up the vote, and start a new thread with a new topic and the Overall Score. Score will be determined by simple numbers: Say there are ten commanders, first gets 10 points, second 9, etc..

At the end, we will have a community voted, argued, and supported Best Commander of Westeros!

The Commanders - Randyll Tarly, Tywin Lannister, Eddard Stark, Robert Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, Robb Stark, Euron Greyjoy, Jon Connington, Rhaegar Targaryen, The Blackfish. If you have a different candiate, vote for them and make your argument, and they'll be added to the list for the next thread.

Todays Topic - Preperation. How did your commander prepare for their feature war (If they feature in mutiple, cover one or more), how did they muster, use their time, and ultimately, how well were they prepared to execute their opening strategy. As well, how did they prepare for battles or subsequent campaigns.

Last thing, I shall not vote. Try to maintain a sense of neutrality.

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