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What if Bran warned Eddard about the Tower Of Joy?


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I already posted this on reddit while I wasn't able to create a topic here.

It is unknown how Eddard found out about the Tower Of Joy, and later in the series we see Bran "talking" to him through the trees. What if Bran told him about the Tower? EXAMPLE: Bran is getting better at seeing through the trees and "talks" to his young father frequently. One day he's looking through the tree in Harrenhal and sees Lyanna praying to the old gods about loving Rhaegar and not wanting to hurt Robert's feelings for her. Then Rhaegar appears and tells her that they are going to run away and their destiny is the Tower Of Joy. Bran immediately tries to communicate with his father (that is also praying, but this time it's something about Lyanna) and is able to whisper some clue about the location of his sister. Some may call me crazy, but I truly think it fits well in the story.

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Eddard angrily stormed out of King's Landing without Robert, after seeing the bodies of Rhaegar's wife and children laid out on display for Robert.

I imagine that there is the chance that someone in King's Landing, horrified at the slaughter of Elia and her children, and seeing Ned's reaction, tipped Ned off about where Rhaegar was keeping Lyanna. Perhaps Varys, through one of his little birds ?

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Eddard angrily stormed out of King's Landing without Robert, after seeing the bodies of Rhaegar's wife and children laid out on display for Robert.

I imagine that there is the chance that someone in King's Landing, horrified at the slaughter of Elia and her children, and seeing Ned's reaction, tipped Ned off about where Rhaegar was. Perhaps Varys, through one of his little birds ?

No, Ned didn't know until later. The timeline isn't perfect, but it's fairly clear that he didn't find out until sometime after he lifted the Siege of Storms End. Even not taken completely literally, it's pretty clear in the fever dream that he was looking for the rest of the Kingsguard during the Siege, and there's virtually no chance in hell Ned found out in Kings Landing and then wandered off to go do other things for awhile before eventually bothering to go find Lyanna. No chance Ned wouldn't have been constantly blaming himself all book if he had delayed going to Lyanna at all, and he doesn't seem to blame himself at all.

Even discounting the fever dream entirely, Ned thinks about how he stormed out of Kings Landing, went to fight the last battles of the war, and was reunited with Robert over Lyanna's death after that. Again, no way in hell Ned finds out where Lyanna is, doesn't bother going to get her, goes to fight at Storm's End and wherever else, and then eventually makes his way over there. He pretty clearly makes a beeline for there as soon as he finds out...it's one of the few ways to explain why it's only Ned and his six friends instead of his entire army at the Tower. He probably went ahead of them with a few friends as soon as he found out; seven can move faster than an army.

That said, I don't buy the Bran thing. It's an interesting idea (I assume in this theory Ned would think he's hearing from the Old Gods or whatever and just not realize it's Bran), but I doubt Ned returned to the North in between lifting the Siege and going to the Tower, and most of the Heart Trees in the south were destroyed. Plus, I'm not sure this series needs to start getting into time paradoxes along with everything else.

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