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Crypt of Winterfell has the horn of Joramun?


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Lately I have been thinking about how Others might be the good guys.Maybe Others sensed the return of the dragons and that is why they are returning to finish them off.I have a theory but I can't wirte it I have no proof just a crackpot thing.

So write it as a crackpot theory. Some of them are pretty cool. From what I've heard it would be very like GRRM to turn the whole thing on its head like that.

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In the crypts of Winterfell also waits:

-Plot twists that might make Gumby scream

-Lyanna rocking and knitting sweaters for her children

-The second marker and directions to the Canyon of the Crescent Moon

-A secret library with a few handy tips on making Valyrian steel

-Oddly dressed Wights from the Thriller video

-A prototype for a modern remake of Final Fantasy VII

-The secret of Arbor Gold and why it is so tasty

-a Stargate complete with active ZPV

-a functional TARDIS

-One copy of Aristotle's Poetics next to a corpse wearing only one glove

-three casks of Amantillado

-Choice pieces of Vorlon and Shadow technology

-Whale bones that look like they were shattered against something along with a random potted plant

Lorien is in the crypts, all he is waiting for is Sheridan...er...Jon Snow to reach him in the moments between death and life...Oh shit, I think I just stumbled upon the Jon revival arc. Quick! To the fan fiction machine!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lately I have been thinking about how Others might be the good guys.Maybe Others sensed the return of the dragons and that is why they are returning to finish them off.I have a theory but I can't wirte it I have no proof just a crackpot thing.

I think the common thread throughout this series is balance. There is a sense that forces both internal and external are in constant conflict. Duality. Winter and Summer, The Drowned God and The Storm God, R'hllor and The Great Other etc. We, the reader, tend to regard the Starks as the hero house of the story, but they represent winter which we regard as a force for evil ( or do tey truly gaurd against it, the Kings of Winter rule over it, more on that later). Only one of the Stark direwolves remains unnamed until Bran wakes from his coma and his first words are "his name is Summer". It would seem things are not so black and which and that no thing is truly and purely "good" or "evil". Every "good" charecter is somehow flawed, imperfect and often subject to their own "good intentions". Eddard, Robb, Dany. Every "evil" charecter has opportunity at redemption e.g. Jaime L, The Hound, Theon. Every effort, even those with the best intentions, can and have had disastrous consequences. Dany "freeing" Astapor effectively destroyed an ancient, albeit corrupt, city. Catelyn releasing Jaime. Edmure riding out to meet the Lannisters on the battlefield, and countless more.

More to your original point though, if the Others are infact "good" they have a lot to overcome. They accept human sacrifice, they command legions of the grusome dead, they attack human hosts, it would seem, without provocation, and even, as is evidenced in the GoT prologue, find murder amusing as was the case with Ser Waymar Royce.

Unless, the WW remember the true purpose of the NW which has been corrupted over the millenia and understand that the fate of humanity lies in its destruction?

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