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tell me reasonable points proving God does not exists or religion is wrong


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Isn't like the whole point of being religious is that those people (we're almost always referring to Abrahamic religions) are proud of their faith and they consider themselves strong cos they believe in something without any evidence. If it were easy, everyone would believe.

I'm not necessarily mocking them, just that I'm baffled how, if that is true, good portion of religious debate is totally meaningless and unnecessary. I'm talking about "why do you believe in something without any evidence?" types of discourse in popular and scholar debates.

That's why communism and often nationalism is also a religion, it's not like the first communities went to register their "religion" into some bureaucratic institution.

I advise you to check the work of Christopher Hitchens, at least type his name into YouTube search engine, watch his speeches and debates on that topic. Especially, if nothing, watch his debate with William Lane Craig and above everything regarding religious debates, everybody should watch his debates with Jewish thinkers (rabbis, religious apologists).

Like this one:



I mean, you can debate whether religion is harmful, but "is religion wrong?" "is religion false" What are we even talking about here?

It reminds me of one GRRM interview with idiotic question that sometimes can appear on this forum or other places on the internet; "Will we ever see Gods you invented?" or "Which GRRM's invented Gods will turn out to be false and which true?".

On the semantic level, wtf?

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