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Names in the series


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I have had a slight interest in the names of the series. More over, recently while preparing for a Pen and Paper rpg set in westeros, the issue of naming came up since I wasn't sure of what names were common or used in the different regions. Thus I made this list. this list doesn't provide what the names mean or what they are derived from just the different name. I have ranked them by commonality. Perhaps others will find this useful. So to start we shall start with Dorne. I have avoided the names of people whom are clearly stated not to be from Dorne, such as Areo Hotah who is from Novros.


Dornish Names

Male Names

Yorick x5*

Mors x4

Quentyn x2, Myles x2, Olyvar x2, Yorick x5*

Albin, Anders, Andrey, Archibald, Aron, Arron, Arthur,

Benedict, Bors, Brude

Caloette, Cletus

Daemon, Dagos, Davos, Deziel, Dickon, Doran,

Edgar, Edric

Ferris, Franklyn

Garibald, Garrison, Gascoyne, Gerold, Gerris


Harmen, Joffrey, Joss,


Lewyn, Lucifer

Manfrey, Maron, Micheal, Morgan


Oberyn, Ormond



Ricasso, Ryon

Samwell, Symon

Timeon, Timoth, Trebor, Tremond, Trystane,

Ulrick, Ulwyck



Yandry, Yoren

*There is only one Yorick mentioned, a king of Yronwood during the time of Nymeria and Mors Martel's conquest of Dorne. However he is styled the fifth of his name; thus his name has been Identified as the 5 times.

Female Names

Elia x2 Nymeria x2

Aliandra, Allyria, Alyse, Arianne, Ashara,



Delonne, Deria, Dorea, Dyanna,



Jayne, Jennelyn, Jeyne, Jynessia,

Larra, Loreza

Mariah,Mellei, Meria, Morra, Myria

Obara, Obella


Tanselle, Tyene


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Here are the names from the reach. There are a lot of male names. A lot of different male names so I had to reformat things to make it less of a giant list.

Male Names

Garth x11*

Mern x9*

Garse x8*

Garland x6*, Gwayne x6*, Gwayne x6*, Leo x6

Owen x5

Alester x4

Alyn x3, Gyles x3*, Humfrey x3, Jeremy x3, John x3*,Jon x3, Lorent x3, Luthor x3, Robert x3

Alan x2, Ben x2, Bryan x2, Edmund x2, Gareth x2, Garrett x2, Gormon x2, Hugh x2, Lyonel x2, Martyn x2, Otho x2*, Ryam x2, Sam x2, Steffon x2, Tom x2

*These names are longer because while not every single member has been named in the various books they are mentioned as Garth the xII, thus it shows there are more of them mentioned then shown.

Abelar,Addam,Aemon,Aladore, Alekyne, Androw, Argrave, Armen, Armond, Arryk, Arys, Axell

Baelor, Ballabar, Barris, Bayard. Bertram, Bors, Brandon. Bryndon, Buford,Byren

Cleyton, Clifford, Colin,

Damon, Dareon, Davos, Denys, Derrick, Desmond, Dickon, Dorian

Eden, Edgar, Edgerran, Edwyd, Edwyn, Elwood, Elyas, Emmon,Erren, Erryk, Eustace

Foss, Franklyn

Galyeon, Garlen, Garmund, Gawen, Gerold, Gilbert, Glendon,Gordan, Greydon, Gunthor, Guthor

Harlen, Harrold, Henly, Herndon, Hobber, Horbert, Hosman ,Hyle

Igon, Imry

Jack, Jafer, Jason, Jeffory, Joffrey,Josua

Laswell, Leyton, Lomys, Loras, Lorimar, Lucas,Lyman, Lymond,

Mace, Manfred, Mark, Marq,Mathis,Matthos,Medwick,Merle, Merrell, ,Mervyn, Meryn, Midwick, Mollander, Morgan, ,Morgil, Moribald, Moryn,


Olymer, Olyvar, Omer, Orbert, Orland, Ormund, Orton, Osbert, Osmund, Otto, Ottyn

Parmen, Paxter, Perceon, Peremore, Perwyn, Pykewood,

Quentin, Quenton, Quentyn

Randyll, Raymun, Raymund, Renly, Reynard, Richard, Rickard, Rob, Robeson, Robyn, Roger, Roland, Rolland, Rolly, Roone, Runceford, Runcel, Russell, Rycherd,

Samwell, Samwyle, Serwyn, Simon

Talbert, Tanton, Thaddeus, Theo, Theodore, Titus, Tommen, Torman, Triston, Tyler,

Unwin, Urrigon, Uthor,

Victor, Vortimer

Walys, Warryn, Webber, Wendell, Wilbert, Willam, William, Willias, Wyman,


Female Names

Alysanne x3

Elinor x2, Jeyne x2

Aleria, Alicent, Alla, Alyce, Alys, Arwyn,

Beony, Bethany


Delena, Denyse, Desmera

Ellyn,Elyn, Emma,

Falia, Florys



Leona,Leonette, Leyla, Lia, Lynesse, Lysa,

Malora, Margaery, Maris, Megga, Melessa, Meredyth, Mina,


Olene, Olenna,


Rhea, Rhonda,Rohanne, Rose, Rosey, Rylene,


Taena Talla


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Next up are the names from the stormlands. Not as many as the other overall names as the people from the reach, but that is likely due to the fact we haven't encountered as many people from the stormlands as from the reach.


Male Names

Erich x7

Durran x24

Arlan x5, Monfryd x5, Ormund x5,

Maldon x4

Jon x3, Qarlton x3.Richard x3, Ronald x3, Alyn x2, Criston x2, Galladon x2, Gawen x2, Harbert x2. Joffery x2, Lyonel x2, Manfred x2, Morden x2, Robin x2, Stannis x2, Steffon x2

Aemon, Alesander, Allard, Andrew, Argilac,Armond, Arrec, Arstan,

Baldric ,Balon, Barristan, Barron,Beric, Bonifer,Boremund, Borros, Brus, Bryce,Bryen, Byron,

Casper,Cedrik,,Cleoden, Clifford, Colen, Cortnay,

Damon, Davos, Dermot, Devan, Dickon, Donal, Donnel, Durwald,

Edric, Eldon, Endrew,

Gerald, Gladden, Glaive, Gowen, Grance, Gulian, Gunthor, Guyard,

Harlan, Harrold, Harwood, Herbert, Hugh,Humfrey,

Jack, Jasper, Josua,Justin,

Lester,Lomas, Lorent

Maric, Matthos,Meryn,Michael



Patrek, Pearse


Ralph, Raymont, Raymund, Renly,,Rickard, Robar, Robert, Rolland, Ronnel, Ronnet, Royce

Sebastion, Selwyn, Simon,

Terrence, Theo, Thurgood, Tommen, Triston


Female Names

Jocelyn x2

Aelinor, Alynne, Alysanne, Argella, Arianne


Cass, Cassana, Corenna, Cyrenna,Elenei,

Jena, Jeyne, Johanna. Joy


Marya, Mylenda, Myrcella,

Ravella, Roelle

Shireen, Shyra


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Try to count the Brandons of the North :D

There are like 14 Brandons in the stark family alone. It is a super common name. Also unlike dorne, the reach or the stormlands, the North tends to either reuses names or use different variations of them. Also just like Dorne there was someone named Lucifer. :P

North Names

Male Names

Brandon x17

Benjen x6

Rodrik x5,Rickard x5

Torrhen x4,Royce x4**

Rickon x3, Willam x2, Walton x2, Ronnel x2, Roose x2, Osric x2, Jorah x2, Ethan x2, Duncan x2, Eddard x2, Donnel x2, Cregan x2, Beron x2, Arnolf x2, Artos x2, Alyn x2

Albett, Alebelly, Alf,

Bannen, Barth,Barthogan,Bartimus, Bass, Bedwyck, Belthasar,Ben, Benfred, Benjicot, Bennard, Beren, Blane, Borcas, Bowen, Byam,

Calon, Cayn, Cedric, Chayle, Cley, Clydas, Cregard, Cuger

Damon, Daryn, Desmond, Domeric, Donnis, Donnor, Dorren, Edderion, Edric,Edrick, Edwyle, Edwyn, Ellard, Elric, Errold, Eyron


Gage, Galbart, Gared, Gariss, Garth, Gaven, Gawen, Grenn, Grunt, Gueren

Hake, Halder, Hallis, Halys, Hareth, Harlon, Harmond, Harrion, Harwin, Harwood, Hayhead, Helman, Heward, Hoarfrost, Hobb, Hother,Howland, Hugo, Hullen

Jacks, Jeor, Jeren, Jojen, Jonnel, Jonos, Jory, Joseth,

Karlon, Kyle,

Larence, Leobald, Lew, Lonnel, Lucifer, Luton, Luwin

Mallador, Mark, Marlon, Martyn, Matthar, Medger, Medrick, Mikken, Morgan, Mors, Murch

Nage, Ned

Ondrew, Osric, Owen

Pate, Porther, Pypar


Ramsay, Rast, Robard, Robb, Robett, Robin, Roderick,Rodwell, Rogar, Roger, Royland, Rudge

Shadd, Sherrit, Skinner, Skittrick

Theo, Theodan, Theon, Therry, Todder,Tomard, TomToo, Torghen, Torren, Tumberjon,

Varly, Vayon,

Walder, Watt, Wayn,Wendel, Will, Wyl, Wylis, Wyman,Wynton

Female Names

Lyanna x4

Alys x2, Alysane x2, Arya x2, Berena x2, Jeyne x2, Jonelle x2, Sansa x2, Wylla x2,

Aregelle, Arra, Arrana, Arsa,

Bandy, Barbrey, Bessa, Beth,Bethany, Branda

Dacey, Danny, Donella

Eddara, Erena


Jez, Jocelyn, Jyana


Leona, Lyarra, Lyessa, Lynara, Lyra, Lysa, Lysara

Maege, Maisie, Margaret, Mariah, Marna, Meera, Meliana, Mordane, Myriame,



Raya, Robyn,

Sarra, Serena, Shyra, Sybelle

Wylla, Wynafryd

**Royce is mentioned as a king called Royce the IV Bolton.
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Is it just me, or do the North and the non-Rhoynar Dornish (aka First Men Dornish) have the most modern spellings of all the names that are English variants? Obviously "Brandon" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in the North, but the Dornish have Arthur which is doubly unusual because neither of those vowel sounds are usually rendered that way in "Westerosi orthography", Archibald (ditto), and freaking Benedict which is like a quintuple-whammy of unusual spelling, and the only Jayne in the series. Plus it seems like a higher percentage of their names that are more or less standard Westerosi orthography (Gerold, Franklyn Andrey) are just transliteration of modern English names, as opposed to variants like Rickard, Ryger, Barbrey, Barba, Benjen, etc.

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Nice thread the westerlands will be cool with all the Ty's

Eddara lol

There are less Ty based names in the westerlands that I was imaging but there are several lannister kings by the name of Tyrion, and even more by the name of Lancel.

Westerlands Names
Male Names
Lancel x6
Loreon x5
Gerold x4, Robert x4, Tyrion x4
Alyn x3, Damon x3, Roland x3
Harrold x2, Humfrey x2, Jason x2, Jon x2, Lorent x2, Pate x2, Philip x2, Raynald x2, Robin x2, Steffon x2, Tommen x2, Tion x2, Tybolt x2, Tytos x2, Tywald x2, Willam x2
Addam, Addison, Adrian, Alan, Amory, Andros, Antario, Arron, Aubrey,
Benedict, Burton
Cadwyn, Caspor, Caster, Cedric, Cerion, Chiswyck, Clarent, Creylen,
Dake, Damion, Daven, Dennis, Denys, Donnel, Dunaver, Dunsen
Eggon, Elys, Emrick,
Flement, Forley
Gareth, Garrison, Garth, Gawen, Gerion, Godwyn, Gregor, Gylbert
Harrold, Harry, Harwyn, Harys, Herrock Hugh
Jace, Jaime, Jodge, Joffrey, Josmyn, Joss
Kennos, Kevan
Lambert, Lancel, Leo,Lester, Lewis, Lewys, Loren, Lorimer, Lucion, Lyle, Lyman, Lymond
Manfryd, Martyn, Maynard, Melwyn, Merlon, Morgon
Ormond, Osfryd, Osney, Ossifer, Othell
Peter, Podrick, Polliver, Preston
Rafford, Regenard, Reynard, Robb, Roger, Rolder, Rollam, Rolph, Rupert,
Samwell, Sandor, Sebaston, Selmond, Stafford, Sumner,
Terrence, Theomore, Tygett, Tyland, Tyler, Tymond, Tyrek, Tywin,
Viserys*, Vylarr
Walder, Walderan
Female Names
Jeyne x5
Alysanne x2, Joanna x2
Alys, Amarei,
Cerelle, Cerenna, Cerissa, Cersei
Dorcas, Dorna,
Eleyna, Ella, Ellyn
Janei, Joanna, Jocelyn, Johanna, Joy
Lanna, Layna, Lelia, Leonella, Lynora,
Margot, Marla, Melara, Melesa, Myranda, Myrielle,
Rohanne, Rosamund
Senelle, Shiera,Shierle, Sybell
Teora, Tess, Tya, Tysha
*Viserys plumm was the son of Elaena Targaryen, and more likely named by her yet I counted him because he was part of house plumm and from the westerlands.
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The Riverlands. Well this was a lot of Names. Damn those freys and their big family. Also I must admit it funny that there are 3 tullys from the Muppets, ie elmo, Grover, and Kermit. and there is yet another Lucifer mentioned. apparently Lucifier is more common then I thought.

The Riverlands

Male Names

Walder x9

Florian x7, Pate x7

Lucas x6, Robert x6

Jon x5, Tristifer x5

Lymond x4

Alyn x3, Damon x3, Edmund x3, Hoster x3, Myles x3, Theo x3, Tristan x3

Addam x2, Aegon x2, Ben x2, Benedict x2, Bernarr x2, Brynden x3, Clement x2, Desmond x2, Humfrey x2, Jonos x2, Lothar x2, Lyonel x2, Manfryd x2, Marq x2, Mudge x2, Patrek x2, Petyr x2, Quenton x2,Robin x2, Tytos x2, Tywin x2, Walton x2, Wat x2, Will x2, Willem x2

Aegor, Aemon, Aenys, Alesander, Ambrose, Andrey, Androw, Anvil, Arlan, Armistead, Artos, Arwood, Axel

Beck, Benfrey, Benjicot, Bennet, Bennifer, Billy, Bradamar, Bryan

Chett, Clarence, Cleos, Colmar, Cosgrove,

Dafyn, Danwell, Davos, Dennett, Denys, Deremond, Dickon, Donnel

Edmyn, Edwyn, Ellery, Elmar, Elmo, Elston, Emmon, Enger, Erreg,

Forrest, Franklyn

Gargon, Garibald, Garrett, Garse, Geremy, Gillam, Grover,

Halmon, Harbert, Harren, Harry, Harsley, Harwin, Harys, Hollis, Hosteen, Hugo

Jaime, Jammos, Jared, Jason, Jeffory, Jon, Jonothor, Joseth, Joss, Joth,

Karyl, Kermit, Kirth, Kurleket, Kyle

Larys, Lem, Leslyn, Lewys, Lharys, Lucamore, Lucan, Luceon, Lucias, Lucifer, Lyman,

Malwyn, Manfred, Martyn, Mathis, Matt, Mebble, Medgar, Melwys, Merrett, Mohor, Morgan,

Narbert, Ned, Norbert

Olyvar, Osmund, Osmynd, Oswell, Otho, Owen

Perwyn, Poul,


Rawney, Raymond, Raymun, Raymund, Rhaegar, Robb, Roderick, Roger, Roland, Ronald, Ronel, Ryger, Ryman

Samwell, Sandor, Simon, Steffon, Stevron, Symond

Theomar, Thoren, Tion, Tom, Tommen, Torrence, Tyler,



Walter, Waltyr, Walys, Warren, Watty, Weese, Wendel, Whalen, Wilbert, Willam, Willamen, Willem, William, Willis, Willum, Wyl


Female Names

Walda Frey x7

Jeyne x6

Alys x3

Alysanne x2, Bethany x2, Catelyn x2, Maerie x2, Tansy x2

Agnes, Alyce, Alyssa, Alyx, Amabel, Amerei, Arwyn

Barba, Barbara, Becca, Bella, Bellena, Bess, Bessa, Betha

Carellen, Celia, Cersei, Cynthea,

Danelle, Darla, Della,

Eleanor, Elyana, Emberlei, Emphyria,


Harra, Helly, Hendry, Hildy, Hostella

Jayne, Jenny, Jonquil, Joyeuse, Jyanna, Jyzene,


Lacey, Lanna, Leana, Leslyn, Liane, Lysa, Lythene,

Maegelle, Maerie, Marianne, Marissa, Mariya, Masha, Megette, Melantha, Melissa, Mellara, Merianne, Minisa, Morya, Mya,


Perra, Perriane, Pia,

Randa, Rhialta, Roslin, Ryella,

Sabitha, Sallei, Sarra, Sarya, Serra, Sharna, Sharra, Shella, Shiera, Shirei, Sylwa,



Willow, Wynafrei

Zhoe, Zia

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The Vale is up Next, leaving the crownlands and Tagaryian names left and I got all the regions of westeros.The next area would be one of the free cities.

Vale Names

Male Names

Yorwyck x6

Osric x5

Jon x4

Hugh x3, Jasper x3, Osgood x3, Robar x3,

Alester x2, Corwyn x2, Donnel x2, Humfrey x2, Mathos x2, Robert x2, Roland x3, Ronnel x2

Adrian, Albar, Alesandor, Andar, Artys,

Benedar, Bryen,

Casso, Creighton,

Damon, Denys, Dywen

Eddison, Edmund, Elbert, Elys, Eon, Eustace

Gerold, Gilwood, Godric, Gwayne, Gyles

Harlan, Harrold, Horton, Hugo,

Jaime, Jonos,


Lark, Lucas, Luceon, Lucos, Lyn, Lyonel

Mallow, Mandon, Marq, Marwyn, Mord, Morton, Mychel,


Orson, Ossifer, Ossy, Oswell, Oswin



Raymar, Robin, Rolland, Rolley,

Samwell, Symond,

Terrance, Tim, Torgold, Triston,

Umfred, Uthor


Wallace, Waymar, Wyl,

Yohn, Yorbert

Female Names

Alys x2, Jeyne x2

Aemma, Alyssa, Anya, Arwen




Gella, Gretchel, Grisel,




Maddy, Marla, Marsella, Mela, Mya, Myranda,


Rhea, Rowena, Ryella





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Crownlands Names (not counting Valyrian houses)

Male Names

Clarence x2, Dick x2, Lothar x2, Robin x2, Steffon x2, Tom x2, Triston x2

Addam, Alan, Alfred, Allar, Alliser, Alyn, Arneld, Arryk

Balman, Balon, Barre, Barth, Belis, Bennard, Bryen,

Clayton, Clement

Dale, Davos, Denys, Dobber, Donnel, Dontos, Dorcas, Duncan, Duram

Elwood, Erryk, Eustace

Garigus,Gendry, Gilbert, Glendon, Godry, Gormon, Guncer, Gyles

Hallyne, Harrold, Hubard, Hugh, Humfrey,

Jacelyn, Janos, Jaremy, Jarman, Jate, Joffrey, Jon, Jothos, Justin

Kem, Kennet, Koss, Kurz

Lamprey, Lewys, Lommy, Lucifer, Lucos, Luthor, Lync,

Malcolm, Maldon, Malliard, Manly, Marston, Merrel, Morgan, Morros, ,Mortimer , Munciter, Murch,

Osfryd, Osmund, Osney, Oswell, Oswyn

Pate, Perkin, Pollitor, Praed,

Qarlton, Qyle

Rafe, Renfred, Rennifer, Reysen, Rickard, Robert, Roger, Rolland, Rorge, Rossart, Rugen, Rupert

Sefton, Silver , Silver , Simon, Symon, Symond,

Tallad, Tarber, Tyrion



Female Names

Annara, Barra,

Bethany, Brella

Dalla, Dancy, Donyse

Ermesande, Essie

Falena, Falyse


Lily, Lollys

Maia, Marei, Marilda, Mary,Matrice, Meredyth






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Finally, we have Valayrian house names, mainly targyarians but also blackfyres, Valeryions, Celtigar, and Qoherys. And with this the names from the seven kingdoms are done.

Valayrian Names

Male Names

Aegon x12

Daemion x8

Daeron x7

Aemon x4, Jaehaerys x4, Viserys x4

Aerys x3, Baelon x3, Aenys x2, Aerion x2, Baelor x2, Corlys x2, Gaemon x2, Lucerys x2,Maegor x2, Vaegon x2, Valerion x2

Addam, Aegor, Aelor, Aelyx, Aenar, Aeryn, Aethon, Alyn, Ardrian, AuraneBartimos







Jacaerys, Joffrey, Jon,


Maegon, Maekar, Maelor, Maelys, Matarys, Monford, Monterys,


Rhaegar, Rhaegel, Rhaego

Vaegon, Vaemond, Valarr,

Female Names

Rhaena x3, Rhaenys x3

Alysanne x2, Alyssa x2, Daella x2, Daenerys x2, Elaena x2, Rhaella x2, Vaella x2, Visenya x2,

Aelora, Aerea,



Daena, Daenaera, Daenora, Daenys,


Jaehaera, Jeyne,




Rhae, Rhaenyra, Rhalla

Saera, Shaena, Shaera, Shiera

Valaena, Viserra

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