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Kyra+ Theon?


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Do they need to be a match made in heaven?

Kyra of course was flattered that a handsome highborn lord paid attention to her. She's young, Theon is attractive.

Theon clearly didn't get much attention in Winterfell, especially in the department of affection so he went to a beautiful tavern wench,s omeone who was low enough on the social ladder so that she would not care about his status as a glorified hostage and would admire him for being handsome and highborn. I'm sure it did not hurt either that Kyra was also young and (presumably) fair.

A teenage crush, nothing more, nothing less.

It's difficult to say how the whole thing would have developedd if nothing bad would have happened. I assume Theon would have returned to the Iron Islands at one point and forgotten all about Kyra. Kyra would have married and perhaps turned her highborn lover into a story to tell herĀ  granddaughter one day.

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I don't think much would come from them two. Every time Theon beds a chick he goes thru the motions in his head about why he can't keep her. She's a Greenlander, I'm an iron islander, she's common born, I'm high born, she isn't pretty enough/ I'm too pretty... Then he always ends with, "well, she could be a salt wife" lol. Until Theon's identity issues subside, good luck to his women. Lololol

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I don't think they were necaccerily in love. I mean... Theon is known to sleep around. He did chose Kyra over others and took her with him to Winterfell. And I don't think Kyra minded this at all until Theon hurt her but even after that she still seemed to trust him. I don't think they were in love, I think they enjoyed fucking eachother. I do think they cared for eachother to some extent but not as much as Theon and Robb cared for eachother for example. I also think that Theon told himself that she was a commener and therefor beneath him so he shouldn't care for her and basically told himself that she didn't mean anything to him.

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