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Worst Book of All Time


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Honestly, I'd be more worried about people who nominate great literature just because they didn't have the patience for it (usually when it was assigned in school). Neverwhere, while a long way from the worst book of all time, is hardly a great piece of literature either. Wasn't it adapted from a children's TV show? (It certainly felt like it.)

Agree with people who put out classics. But I haven't seen people really do that since the necromancy of the thread.

And Neverwhere was a mini-series he put together for BBC, then novelized. It's not going to be taught in schools any time soon, but it still hard for me to see in the worst of all times thread.

I'm sure there are worse books out there - I've seen them - but Starship Troopers holds a special place for me. The arguments are weak and full of more straw men than a field in the south west, the depiction of soldiers is totally unconvincing, the characters rubbish and even the big, gung-ho military action barely happens. Preachy, boring and vastly overrated.

Despite not agreeing with the teacher the author uses as his mouthpiece in the book, I actually like Starship Troopers, though i have learned before that I am one of the few on the board. The "preaching" is only two chapters, and is not Goodkind style of one man going on a 10 page rant, but rather a bored kid in a classroom.

I loved the mobile suits, the war through one grunt on one front style, and the shortness of the book. Its not my favorite book by any means, but it is one i could read between books anytime. It would not have held up if it was any longer, id agree, but I think it holds is own as a decent entertaining read.

But as I have said, i know not many on the board agree with me on this one.

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Never even cracked a copy of one of his books, so, I dunno...

Gaiman? You either love it, or you don't. Personally, I do, but I have friends with valid reasons for disliking him.

Starship Troopers? No, it doesn't belong here, if you've considered it the worst book you read, you missed the whole point of it, and likely will have issues with any Heinlen. Here's a hint - replace souless bugs with godless commies...

Along those lines, tho -and it pains me, because i so have a love hate relationship with this series..."The War Against Cthorr", by Gerrold. LOVE the ecology aspect of it, the destruction of our planetary ecology by an more badass one. HATE the characters, all of them, and the incredibly heavy handed insights and "lessons" in it.

If you dislike the classroom scene in Starship Troopers, you'll pith yourself after half a book of Gerrold ripping that scene off, every book damn near.

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Here's a hint - replace souless bugs with godless commies...

I did, and I still didn't like it. Heinlein's got the right to say anything he likes about the menage of Soviet Russia and it certainly was a menace - I just don't think he makes a very good job of saying it. Anyhow, there are many worse SFF books I agree. I just feel it's one of the more overrated.

This thread also inspired me to re-read the Demmin Nass testicle scene from Wizard's First Rule. Lordy, that's wrong.

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