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Vounteering at Melbourne Worldcon?

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Greetings! The BwB has always been very generous in volunteering their time to help out at past worldcons. I am hoping that some of you are willing to do the same for Aussiecon 4. The Volunteer form is up at http://aussiecon4.org.au/index.php?page=34

My particular area is Program Operations but if you are interested in another area, that's fine, too! We are finalizing our staff lists now so if you *would* like to volunteer for Program Ops, please write to me directly (smofbabe gmail) so you can have your name in lights, or at least the souvenir book staff list :-> Program Operations basically runs the day-to-day program at the convention, registering program participants, distributing name cards, adjusting schedules, helping to deal with panel technical issues, and so on. Let me know if you have been to conventions before or have any experience in these areas.

We hope to see you at Aussiecon 4! (Those of you on the fence, Qantas and United are offering the lowest fares in over 10 years *hint hint*)



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Bumping this one.

People who are going to AussieCon -- it's a long-standing tradition that the Bros do a bit of volunteering at each WorldCon. Commitments can be for as little as 1 hour manning the info table, or setting up tables or moving chairs (the Bros seem to be especially adept at these tasks because it's easy to work through the inevitable hangover). Every WorldCon is run by volunteers -- there are no hired guns out there to haul projectors and fold pamphlets and print badges, and every little bit helps keep the organizers from losing their minds or all of their hair.

Please, get in touch with Smofbabe and at least ask some questions about the volunteering and how to get involved. WorldCons are what you, the participant, make of it. And part of that is making sure that everyone else has a good Con, too. :)

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