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A Game of Thrones RPG

Ser Roland

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Hey everyone!

I am going to be starting up a campaign with my group using A Game of Thrones d20 RPG. I was wondering if there would be any interest here on the boards of a session re-cap so people can follow along with it!

Also: Sorry if this isn't the right place for this. I am new to these halls and still do not know my way around very well!


-Ser Roland

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Well I don't know either if its the right place, but I kind of suspect it might be the wrong one. Anyhow I think it could fun to read about the brave exploits of your players' characters in Westeros. Although I can't of course promise that I'll actually come around to both read and make significant comments about it. :)

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Retelling your character's adventures isn't toeing the no fan fic line is it?

That would be my only head's up consideration.

I would think this would be a complete stretch and you would be completely fine to tell your stories. I'm no attorney, but if your "retelling" is anything like what others have done (describing play sessions in an RPG) then it will be 1) Obviously an RPG session description, and 2) Nothing like a real "story".

Saying, "Chris (who plays Torlyn, a bard) rolled really well and was able to charm the secrets out of the barmaid" is MUCH different then, "Torlyn noticed the comely wench looking his way. Knowing she had the information he wanted, he set about tuning his lute to...etc"

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I would think this would be a complete stretch and you would be completely fine to tell your stories. I'm no attorney, but if your "retelling" is anything like what others have done (describing play sessions in an RPG) then it will be 1) Obviously an RPG session description, and 2) Nothing like a real "story".

Saying, "Chris (who plays Torlyn, a bard) rolled really well and was able to charm the secrets out of the barmaid" is MUCH different then, "Torlyn noticed the comely wench looking his way. Knowing she had the information he wanted, he set about tuning his lute to...etc"

I think I read "session recap" more like GM's adventure notes.

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