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R+L does not equal J


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Maybe if you guys stop flaming, the thread won't be locked this time

I'll bullet my theory here. I don't have a Kindle so adding all the quotes is a PITA

  • Jon Snow is Aegon Targaryen, rightful King without any conjecture about secret marriages and legitimacy questions

  • The "baby Aegon" killed at the SoKL was the son of Ashara and Brandon (or possibly Ned) because it looked like a Targ... purple eyes

  • The "baby Aegon" killed at the Sack could indeed have been "a year old, give or take a few turns" according to the SSM.

  • Brandon's storming of KL is about a year before the end of RR

  • Ashara Dayne is said to have left Elia's company as handmaid about a year before the end of the war (but wasn't "nailed to the floor" and "had horses"). Brandon's murder is an excellent reason why she left Elia.

  • Jon Snow was spared because he "looks like a Stark." How many times have we heard that? He looks like a Stark. People don't run around after Dany telling her how much she looks like a Targ.

  • Many conjecture that the real Aegon was born about a year before the Sack because it is an impetus for Rhaegar to kidnap Lyanna. While that is still likely and still fits my theory, it's also possible he was CONCEIVED at that time. He makes a big deal about Aegon being conceived during a comet. That comet might have been his impetus to get busy with Lyanna.

  • The above is important because might mean Rhaegar returned to KL for the birth of his son, and then off to the Trident. At the time, Aerys was burning Qarlton Chelsted and Rhaegar was playing his sad songs on the harp. Salt and Smoke

  • Babies can vary in size in the real world, and surely George knows this, having talked about Gilly and Dalla's babies.

  • There was babyswitching (more info to come on that, not like it’s a new concept in the world)

  • Elia was aware of the switch, and held the false Targ-looking baby to her breast while telling Rhaenys to run and hide.

  • Gregor is not known for his intellect "Sure boss, the kid had purple eyes" and no one looked closely at the baby

  • The kindsguard was at the TOJ because they were guarding AEGON the true King

  • Lyanna could indeed have died from childbirth complications... or she could have been murdered. The KG took orders from the king, and Rhaegar was never king.

  • The baby they found "looked like a Stark"

  • There could indeed have been a child of R+L, who was spirited away and could now be (f)Aegon or could have been killed

  • Highborn Northern ladies have a Maester in attendance at birth... not Dornish midwives. Sam makes a point that goat's milk is better for babies than cow’s milk, if a wetnurse can't be found (something a Maester would know)

  • Ned goes to Starfall… and Ashara finds out her baby is dead and Ned realizes what happened

  • Ned lies to Cat because he would have to admit Brandon (or himself) had a bastard with Ashara, and that this innocent baby was killed due to the actions of “his side” of the war, and that they’re now warding Aegon, the true king. That’s even more dangerous than warding a possible Targ bastard. Naming Ashara and Brandon would have certainly unraveled hiding Aegon. Perhaps preserving the possibility that it was Lyanna's child would have prevented Robert from killing him, while warding the true Aegon would mean certain death for Ned, Jon/Aegon, Cat and Robb.
  • As for babyswapping, I think it happened, but not the way Varys said.

  • “In Pentos, Varys befriended a poor sellsword named Illyrio Mopatis and they started a business where Varys would steal objects from lesser thieves and Illyrio would get the objects back for their original owners for a small fee. In addition, the thieves in Pentos soon began to seek Illyrio and Varys out, half to try (and failing) to kill them, the other half to sell them the objects they stole in order to prevent Varys from stealing them back.”

  • Jon doesn’t have to be a Stark. He tells us at least three times that he isn’t. There are four other Starks who can still play a part at the Wall.

  • The blue flower on the wall can represent Arya, who is absolutely compared to Lyanna. Jon foreshadows her death in Book 1. Frozen and clutching Needle. Arya is Nissa Nissa, and her body will be stored on ice through the winter before her bones go back to Winterfell.

  • Jon is a skinchanger. He doesn’t need to be a Stark to warg Ghost. Varamyr isn’t a Stark. Bloodraven isn’t a Stark. In fact, Bloodraven the albino, with his white dragon and red eye sigil, resembles Ghost.

  • Rhaegar tells us Aegon’s song is the song of ice and fire… the only time it is mentioned in the book. Why don’t we believe him?

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