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Everything posted by Reekazoid

  1. That’s what I thought at first b it I looked it up and the majority of the material pointed me down the wrong path. I’m am ashamed. Where can I put my face?
  2. The Mountain Clans are arguably the Northerners least affected by Bolton savagery, and also the ones most difficult for the Boltons to retaliate against. With winter just around the corner, it would seem an acceptable risk to engage in a little guerrilla warfare. Any of the men who make it back from Winterfell alive to their mountain holdfasts are either going to live through the winter or get killed by Others, but not by Boltons. Also the Mountain Clans, being closest to the Wall, are the Northerners that have the most traffic with the Free Folk and Night's Watch rangers. I think it is a safe bet that they know what is coming from the other side. As far as transmural threats go, they would certainly know that the wildings- even the Weeper - are the least of their worries. You can always trust someone to act in their own self-interest. Pretty much everyone except for Bowen Marsh understands that the Others are the bigger threat, and that the wildings and men of the realm will unite to fight them for their own survival. Jon, Mance, and Stannis already proved that it can be done. Poor Bowen Marsh must be so traumatized by fear that is brain can't even wrap around what he has seen regarding Wights and other supernatural threats, and so he has retreated so deep into himself that he keeps clinging to the past ideals and expectations. Poor man, to be so ruled by fear and desperation that his best plan is to freeze up the tunnels in the Wall, and hunker down in the tunnels like a rabbit. This is even after he realized (sorry, his brain is broken, after he saw but failed to process) that wildlings a-plenty came over the wall and attacked Castle Black... without using the tunnels at all. The tunnels that poor, unhinged, terrified Bowen Marsh wants to seal up, for safety against wildlings. Poor Bowen Marsh, to be so inarticulate that his strongest argument in the face of compelling, logical, well-reasoned planning that contradicts his tiny, terror-bounded worldview, is to stab with a knife. Yes the worst plan in the series is Bowen "hide like a snowshoe rabbit" Marsh's plan to survive the Others by freezing shut the tunnels through the wall and relegating all the warm wildling bodies (with attached spear-and-sword arms no less!) to starvation and death by exposure. Poor feckless Bowen Marsh, so frightened, so weak, so inarticulate, so unimaginative, will therefore *encourage* the wildlings that he would freeze out to go even more south and pillage the North for supplies and shelter. His biggest fear in the whole world - wildlings running roughshod over the Realm... will be the guaranteed outcome of his brilliant strategy. Yes folks, the worst plan in the series by far. Kill the man with the plan, the diplomatic connections, that secured the funds for continued support and to buy food (therefore doing Bowen Marsh's job for him in addition to his own), the supernatural alliances, the backing of the Free Folk and the man who would be king, the man who had the confidence of the previous Lord Commander and the esteemed Maester... kill him... and then hide in a hole. What a genius, this guy. Yep, worst plan by a mile.
  3. That was stupid, but it was dramatic teen stupid. As a point of order I would submit that this specific Sansa gem fails to qualify as a "plan". Seems more like naive desperation.
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