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Four-Eyed Raven

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Sellsword (3/8)

  1. You've come to the right place, we're all obsessed, too! Welcome! :)
  2. Very interesting theory, Eire! Got me thinking as well.
  3. Welcome! I went to Oahu last year for 2 weeks. It was my first time to Hawaii, and I loved it.
  4. I lurked that thread after you provided the link, and I had no idea what I was looking at or what anyone was talkng about. :leaving:
  5. I totally understand what you mean. I haven't had a Facebook in over 5 years, by choice. I don't need everyone knowing my personal details and day-to-day activities, nor do I want to be bombarded with everyone elses. But that's just me. Americans DO share more personal information with each other on social networking mediums, it's true. For my BA in Sociology, I did a 4-month long research project and 30-page paper comparing Internet usage amongst Americans, the Chinese, and Swedes. My findings, based on previous literature, showed that Americans are a lot more narcissistic in information sharing than the other two countries by FAR. Chinese were the heaviest online forum users. The more you know! :read: I swear I meant no harm in my curiosity in what fellow posters look like, but I'm sure you know that. I just think this is an awesome place full of what seems like awesome people. ^_^
  6. Thank you for providing that info, honeyed chicken! I highly doubt an employer or professor would care what their colleagues or students posted on a Game of Thrones/ASOIAF forum. It's not like anything here is illegal or socially frowned upon in any major way! Sure, it's a tad nerdy, but being a nerd ain't a crime in my opinion! :smug: My icon is myself holding a coffee mug with a pomeranian on it. Because I have a pomeranian named Desmond, and he is kind of the greatest dog ever.
  7. Welcome, welcome! I wish I could see everyone's faces, so I know who I'm conversing with! I wish there was some sort of "post pictures of yourself" thread.
  8. I love all this language exchange! Reading your guys' posts allows me to practice reading and writing in French so I don't forget what I've learned. I can understand more than I realize, though I'll admit, I have a hard time with spelling past tenses and conjugations. And I always have to Google how to type accent marks on the keypad because I always forget what they are. :dunce:
  9. Bonjour ! Votre angalis est trés bon ! Je parle un peu français, j'ai étudié 3 ans à l'université. I read the books very slowly, too. ^_^ Welcome to the boards!
  10. Thank you all! ^_^ I've already read a few theories, some of which I might agree with, some I find to be a bit of a stretch. I think I'll seek refuge in this place since my social circle doesn't read the books and is probably sick of hearing me talk about it all. Anyway, thank you guys for the warm welcome! I look forward to finishing the current books so we can all wait for TWOW in agony together.
  11. Just saw Natalie Dormer in Rush, Ron Howard's latest movie. It was actually really excellent, in my opinion. Even though I had no interest in seeing it initially. I'm not 100% positive, but I think the actor who played Jory Cassel was in it as well. He looked a lot like him, anyway. Finally got around to watching 300, many years late. Enjoyed seeing Lena Headey's face. Oh, and Aiden Gillen in the beginnin of The Dark Knight Rises.
  12. Greetings! My name is Katie. I'm from the west coast of the United States. I wanted to sign up sooner, but I also wanted to read more of the books first before joining, since I figured this place would be spoiler heaven. I've just started AFFC and am enjoying it so far, though I find myself reading it much slower than the previous books. I've loved the show and the books starting 2 years ago, when I was recommended to watch the show and read the books by my ex-boyfriend's sister. Upon watching the first episode, I was completely hooked. And the books blew me away, I couldn't get enough. Last December, I drove from California to Portland, listening to the ASOS audiobook the entire way (15+ hours!). I plan on reading the books over again once I finish ADWD to absorb everything better and see what I missed/didn't understand the first time around. I'm really excited that I signed up, and it's a pleasure to "meet" you all! There are so many subforums, I hardly know where to begin. :D
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