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D&D subtlety: the Rickon foreshadowing


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I got so used to call (rightfully?) every second scene of the show a bad fantasy cliche, that a something subtle, half-hidden (aSoIaF-like..) came as a refreshing surprise from D&D, if it's intentional, of course.

Jamie calls Dickon Tarly "Rickon" seemingly for no apparent reason, that is for a westerman the name Rickon should not be more familiar that Dickon, and little Rickon Stark shouldn't have made such an impact on Jamie to have his name intrude on his thoughts. But wait, there was another Rickon Stark who had a quite traumatic impact on our brave kingsguard: Lord Rickon Stark, father of Ned... and Brandon. The one roasted by the Mad King, executed along with his traitor son.

As it turns out this other Rickon, I mean Dickon gets roasted by the Mad Queen (in making), executed along with his traitor father.

Please D&D confirm that it was intentional, so I can say without shame that I am a GoT fan!

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