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Jon's burned hand

Haus Berlin

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2 hours ago, Unacosamedarisa said:

You're assuming magic is logical in the world of Ice and Fire, it isn't. I doubt the Rhoynish were able to design their magic, and instead they used what they had available to them. 

And the Rhoynish, and Dornish, have never been associated with fire magic... water magic was their thing, iirc from tWoIaF. Whereas the Valyrians, and Targaryens, have deep, repeated connections with fire magic. Some say they're part Dragon even, which is where fire resistance could come from. Also, Dany's identity is nothing to do with her Dornish heritage, it's her identity as a Targaryen that is constantly brought up. 

I don't see why the Rhoynish couldn't "design" (whatever that means) their water magic any differently than practitioners of any other magic.

I also don't recall anything written about magical fire resistance being implicitly a function of fire magic. Melisandre is a practitioner of fire magic and she was able to birth a shadow baby. Water is used to put out fires or to diminish fire's ability to burn things, so it follows that water magic could be used to diminish fire magic.

I'm not sure what Dany's identity has to do with anything; she is heir to the Iron Throne by virtue of her Targaryen ancestry, so that is how she identifies herself because she is trying to win that throne back. But if magic is carried through bloodlines (Blood of the Dragon) then this would be true of her female ancestry as well as her male, and Dany's female ancestry includes a Martell and a Dayne (not to mention a Blackwood). Just because she refers to herself as a Targaryen doesn't mean her magical/genetic inheritance is strictly Targaryen.

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