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Melisandre's secret agenda


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I skimmed most of this thread, and for some reaason NOBODY mentinos or questions why the hell would people from Asshai have a freaking prophecy concerning a land that is literally on the other side of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'AA has absolutely nothing to do with her homeland, and there are absolutely zerp connections to lead us to believe.

ALSO, WHY WOULD THEY CARE OF A "PTWP"? A person who has absolutely no influence on their life in any way. The others invaded WESTEROS.

Can someone please clear up whatever i am missing for me please? I just don't get why they would worry enough to prophesize about him, and secondly, how the hell would they even know of his story concidering that ummmmm, they are on the opposite side of the world......so any stories passed on that made it all the way over there would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay different then the original story.......and don't tell me that isn't something GRRM would consider, because after all, he has already(in 2001) stated that even out own narrators can't even get their own stories straight that they were involved in, like Sansa remembering that the Hound kissed her that night, when he didn't.

R'hllor's foil is "The Great Other." The Asshai priests have great reason to be concerned if The Others take over another country, because that is their Antichrist, essentially, winning. We also don't know a lot about the Long Night. According to Old Nan's story in AGoT, it was spread to other parts of the world as well.

Most likely the priests heard the story of the great hero turning back The Others and turned him into an Eastern Legend. Sure it'd be different, but the story we know now is most likely very different than what they heard then too. The prophecy has most likely been seen by the highest priests of R'hllor fairly recently, not back when they heard the story of Azor Ahai.

I think Melisandre is seeing visions of people who will lead her to AA reborn. First she sees Stannis, who we know gets her to The Wall. Then she sees Jon Snow whom she might be beginning to believe is actually AA reborn.

If Dany is AA reborn instead (her dragon hatching flame pyre with smoke and salt thing leads me to believe she is AA reborn. Perhaps Jon is the PWWP?), she might land in Westeros at The Wall, where Mel's visions have led her (eventually, to the real AA reborn).

Alternately, Dany encounters Melisandre if The Others sweep through the North and Jon + other survivors + Mel pursue battle - Mel meets Dany at the Trident.

All are just my theories - I'm probably wrong.

Why do people think that AA reborn/TPwwP are two different people? I'm seriously asking, it seems to be an "It is known." type fact, but I've always thought that AA reborn and TpwwP were the same person.

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She's a fraud and a con artist, seeking nothing but power the way a revival-tent evangelist seeks nothing but money.

She is as close to pure evil as anything in the books. Next to her, Vargo Hoat is a piker.

My greatest fear in future books is that she will somehow save or revive you-know-who (where is the spoiler tag?) thus causing him to be grateful and ally with her.

My greatest anticipation is the Melly-Danny showdown, in which they both die, to the great relief of all of Westeros.

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