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All during the pyre scene, I was thinking of this (Wagner)

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Hmm, that's quite interesting. However while we're on topic for the pyre scene music, some thoughts about that...

I think the music in this scene was an overwhelmingly good choice, even more so than the music parts at key points during the whole series (which was always well-chosen, both unobtrusive and stirring when needed).

It starts very ominous, especially during the minutes leading up to the actual burning. One gets the impression of a climax approaching (drums) and also that in a way, something sinister is happening (which I find fitting, it's a kind of blood magic Dany is performing after all - life pays for life).

Then there's a pause during the blend over to the dawn scene. The music only gradually starts again from silence when we see Dany and the dragons. And when she rises and Drogon does his show off thing, the music grows almost angelic and very hopeful in mood. As a viewer, it gave me the impression that this is a definite beginning of a new chapter, something that changes the way of the world, and that the story has only just begun. I couldn't think of a better way to end this series, both regarding to capturing the spirit of the book and GRRM's intentions, and as a way to achieve closure of the season and leave viewers with a promise that there is so much more to come in the next season. Simply brilliant.

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I, too, thought of Brynhild's immolation during the pyre scene. Though admittedly I was thinking of it because I study Old Norse literature (see my avatar), so that's what came to my mind, rather than Wagner. :)

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Definitely agree about the quality of the music. It's perfect for a series like this - hangs in the background, just barely there when you don't need it (most of the scenes, really), and then takes center stage in such a grand way when it needs to (opening sequence, dragons, king in the north). I'll definitely be buying the album on Amazon when it's available next week. I've already listened to the Fire and Blood track several times on youtube, it's just nails, one of the best tracks on any OST, in my opinion.

I can really see this being good work/homework music.

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