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Official Casting Threads


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First, a word from David Benioff, passed on to us by GRRM:

[quote]One other thing we wanted to run by you. There have been numerous "casting threads" on various of your fan sites, and given the size of the cast, we'd be curious to read the opinions of the ASoIaF faithful. Most of these threads are a bit dated at this point, and some are geared towards potential features (great as Nicole Kidman would be as Cersei, we're not going to get Nicole Kidman). So if your readers wanted to post their choices, we promise to read them over and with luck discover some new names we hadn't considered.[/quote]

So, if contributing, please think very hard about the sort of actors that do regular TV series (but NOT actors currently involved as a lead in a TV series production). Yes, occasionally a Hollywood actor will cross over into TV, but it's not going to happen if they make $20 million a movie or are a current popular film star, and you can't expect to fill every role with film actors.

We'll be creating a few official threads and stickying them, but we'll also allow thread creation for those who want to hash out specific roles. We may eventually run polls after a number of actors have been thrown into consideration, to see which are the "cream of the crop".
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I humbly put myself

[url="http://www.averyclark.com"]www.averyclark.com[/url] - Theon, Renly, Viserys, Marillion ?

-I make a living as a stage actor
-Studied in London
-Am familiar in sword combat (and bow - Theon anyone?)
-Hand picked by Dennis Lehane, (author of Mystic River) to star in the premiere of his play
-I have a small reoccurring role on Guiding Light
-Just finished playing Romeo for six months at the 7th largest Shakespeare Festival in the world.

-and, most important, I LOVE THESE BOOKS!!!

I'm New York based and my agent isn't bicoastal !!! Please, David and Dan, the new gods of Westeros, give a fan a chance!!!
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So, what exactly is up with these threads? Half the time I post to back up an actor it gets deleted, other purely commentary postings are left untouched. Can we get a solid set of rules made to just make it either JUST a list of actor names and characters or a full on casting debate? This middle-ground is jusdt complicating things for everyone, and it has to be a pain for the mods to deal with.
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It's always just about naming an actor for a role or chiming in with a second on a suggestion. Any posts which start getting into discussing alternative casting possibilities, disagreeing with a casting suggestion, etc., is inappropriate.

That said, sometimes we'll let them stand if it's mostly a suggestion or mostly a second. It's individual moderator judgment.
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