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Faceless She-wolf

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About Faceless She-wolf

  • Birthday 08/23/1995

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Freerider (2/8)

  1. Oh and I'm not sure what will happen to Stannis' legacy/what he will be known for in the future. I think that people will have distrust in him due to his burning of Shireen, but also we saw in the preview of next week that the storm has stopped and is melting so the burning has obviously worked, so then maybe there's a possibility people will kind of worship him because they know he can make things happen if the red god allows it.
  2. Not gonna lie, I totally bawled my eyes out at the Shireen scene. That actor is just so adorable, and she's so committed to helping her dad even though she's not even highly respected in the family. I actually thought Stannis had told Shireen when he said "forgive me" and seeing her being walked to the pyre before she realised what was going on, I kind of just thought she knew. So then seeing her react and I realised she must not have been told, it just got to me so much. She was absolutely terrified and upset and just wanted her parents, god even talking about it now makes me feel upset. I've already watched the "inside episode 9" youtube video and breifly rewatching the scene I already started to tear up loll. Plus those screams of terror and pain are just spine chilling. To be honest I'm surprised Mel did this, I mean it's kind of surprising that Stannis allowed this too after his speak with her a few episodes ago. But I also remember the chat between Mel and Shireen last season when she told her about good and evil. I don't know, I had a feeling it was going to happen, we all did, but I still can't believe she actually did it. I always think of Mel as a good guy but I think this is a reminder that she technically isn't a good guy. I don't know, I'm conflicted. Not sure about the Dany scene either, there were some moments where Jorah could've easily been killed. I thought it was terrifying the way all the Harpy's appeared, though I think they also could've easily killed Dany if they wanted to; it was idiotic the way they were only attacking one at a time when they surrounded them in the centre of the pit. Tbh I'm just glad Hizdar was killed, I hated that guy.
  3. Am I missing something? Why have people voted the episode at a 1?
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