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Everything posted by Polo

  1. I'd say that too, but he did call her a little girl in the previous episode so....
  2. ....okay then. She was 18 at the start of shooting. Bronn mentions several times SHES NOT A WOMAN. But hey, maybe I'm the weirdo for not liking little girls.
  3. Sooooooo I've been defending this shows nude scenes and sex scenes since the start, but I think I'm going to have to draw a line at borderline child pornography. That was fucking weird.
  4. I'm usually against calling people out like that, but damn well said. Sometimes people just don't comprehend storytelling very well unless everything characters say is exposition.
  5. Geez, reading through some of the posts on here make me think most people watch the episodes once, make an opinion about it, then rage forward.
  6. I would go into discussing this with you but there really is no point. You're set in your "opinion".
  7. Well, IIRC, she's loved and called 'Mhysa' again by the people after she opens the pits in the book so........
  8. I'm actually okay with the logic of sending the Lord Commander to Hardhome. It's not really all about hearing it from his mouth, because as we all know, that's really why Tormund is there. Jon is there to assure those going South that it's not a trap, and those boats aren't set alight on their journey back with the Lord Commander on it. Hardhome does sound like it goes to hell in the book, so I'm not surprised it seems to got that way in the show. I've been strangely okay with all the changes at the Wall and in The North (apart from Brienne, but I imagine she's going to be a certain Bard).
  9. When Sam and Grenn dig out those dragonglass blades by the Fists of the First Men, there is a horn there as well. This could be because D&D felt they we're going to e closer to the books later on and it didn't work out, or they still mean to use it in the story. I'm actually going with the latter, as I do think it's a great plot device both cinematically and plot-wise.
  10. I love how upset and angry Sansa looked after seeing Theon/Reek in those kennels.
  11. Can Bryan Cogman write all the episodes please?
  12. I crazily enjoyed this episode. I'm going to need to watch it a few more times to see if it's just being excited with a new episode, but I loved pretty much EVERY scene except Grey Worm getting all sentimental with Missandei. Ugh, that crap bores the hell out of me.
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