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Everything posted by PyromancersPiss

  1. Nope. He was gonna suggest having Sir Robert Strong intervene
  2. Lol, just when I thought I had it figured out. I can't believe I forgot about the real sigil of House Baelish. The head of the titan. Thank you
  3. Yeah I read that too, but does Kit Harington really have that much influence on D&D? Being the only actor to actually read the books, I have a feeling you might be right. But, technically he's already a warg. He's been warging ghost for quite a while now. But, I know you mean like what happened to Six Skins. I could see them spin the Jon cliffhanger either way though. Those guys aren't afraid to change anything it seems. Did you happen to see my post about Sansa just a couple posts before this one? I'm curious what you think... With your avatar and all
  4. And then there's Jon Targaryen's storyline... Ok, they're obviously building up to Olly making an attempt on Jon's life. But, will he succeed? I felt a little foreboding oozing out of the scene between Olly and Sam. Will Sam save the LC from getting shanked by Olly/NW elders? I think it's a high possibility. My reasoning is simple. In ADWD they're still talking about the Hardhome mission, and Jon is about to go after the bastard. I'm wondering if they will cut the whole Jon cliffhanger. I think with all the cuts and changes they've made so far because of time restraints it kinda makes sense. But honestly, I give it 50/50 chances. But then again, GRRM stated the books and show are intended to end in the same way. (for the most part, lol)
  5. Apologies if this has already been addressed but I'm shocked I haven't seen anyone else intrigued by Sansa's alternate storyline... Let me explain... Ok so, we all know where ADWD left off with her. But, what if she ends up in WF in the books after all. GRRM has recently commented about the contrasts from book to show, but I believe this to be BS. He doesn't want to give away any unnecessary spoilers for TWOW and I compare this to his recent statements about Smaug being deadlier than HIS dragons. Again, I call BS. Example: Drogon-fighting pits-nuff said... Anyhow, I reference the prophecies of The Ghost of High Heart. And I ask all of you... Who's a bigger SAVAGE GIANT (GIANT SAVAGE) than Ramsay Bolton? GRRM also stated in his recent Not A Blog posting that sometimes butterflies grow into dragons... Was he speaking in code? Will Sansa kill the bastard of bolton? During winter I think WF is a pretty good candidate for a "Castle made of snow"
  6. Are we watching the same show?!? Did you read the books? Lol, Daenerys IS HARDCORE! Did I miss someone else walking into a funeral pyre??
  7. Definitely gonna read this tonight! Excited to read your thoughts on the Ice Dragon, I'm so sick of people disregarding this probability...
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