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  1. Hi all, Normally I'm not into introductions, but what the hell. I started watching the show a couple of years ago, which took some convincing--I'm normally the last person to watch anything sci-fi or fantasy-related, or to read anything but nonfiction, but GoT eventually sucked me in. I've been keeping up with each season, with this past season being the first one that I watched while it was happening. Before this past season, a family member started watching it from the beginning, and that's when I started to notice all the great little details that go unnoticed the first read-/watch-through. So, I started reading the books, got even more into it, and now just after the end of season 5, I caught a bit of the R+L=J theory in a random comment somewhere, and that has totally sucked me in. I'm currently taking a year off of grad school, working three jobs or so, so I haven't had much time to read for fun, but I'm almost finished with the first book...trying to really soak things in as I go and not read quickly, as I normally do. I can't tell if I wanna finish all the books before I get back into grad school or not, because they're such a nice diversion from all the seriousness of stuff like that! Anyway...that's my story as it relates to this forum!
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